Rocket Raccoon Just Got His Own Iron Man Armour And it is Made Out of Groot

Rocket Raccoon Got His Own Iron Man Armour:

The Iron Man armor is one of the most advanced pieces of weaponry to ever exist in the Marvel comic book universe. It has all kinds of weapons and technology that Tony Stark could boast of. Whoever wears the Iron Man suit becomes nigh invincible. Iron Man has defeated cosmic level threats using the high tech suit. But the signature Tony Stark device is no longer just limited to Tony Stark now. Somewhere deep in space in another part of the Marvel Comic Book Universe, Rocket Raccoon of the Guardians of the Galaxy just upgraded him-self to wear a different version of the Iron Man suit. And this suit is literally Groot him-self!

SPOILER ALERT: Major Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #12 up ahead. Enter at your own risk….

When Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw started penning the new Guardians of the Galaxy series, everyone was surprised that they could not see Rocket amidst the team. What fans realized later was that Rocket Raccoon had his personal reasons to stay out of the team’s way. Turns out the effects of the experiments that turned him from an animal to a sentient, foul-mouthed bi-pedal being were no longer able to hold anymore. As a result, Rocket Racoon was dying a slow and painful death. To save his team the trouble of the heartbreak of losing one of their greatest allies that stuck by them for so long, Rocket decided to leave the team for good and bid his final days in absolute solitude.

That situation changed after the Universal Church of Truth, the same outer space cult that killed off Gamora’s species when she was a child, leaving her as one of the last survivors of her race, attacked the Guardians of the Galaxy. Only Groot and Phyla-Vell were left unscathed. In need of allies, they went to Rocket with a desperate cry for help. Rocket decided to help them. He now wore a suit of armor that allowed him to stay alive and not let the effects of the experiments that turned him sentient be undone. When Rocket descended onto the battlefield! He no longer wore that suit of armor again. Instead, he had newer armor, one that was all too familiar to him.

In the eleventh issue of the comic book series, Kid Magus, Phyla-Vell and Groot are all but wiped out by the combined attack of the Universal Church of Truth. The Cult had unleashed an army of Drax clones as well as several superheroes that were mind-controlled to work for their benefactor – the Patriarch. Rocket Raccoon’s original suit of armor was damaged and it was pretty much not repairable now. But Rocket was the only one standing and he was not ready to give up. Using a weapon that he could almost not lift, Rocket decides to fight back.

All hope seems lost for Rocket until Groot intervenes. Sharing his body with him, Groot encases Rocket and lets him use his body as a form of an exoskeleton. The weapons that were once part of the original Rocket Raccoon suit of armor scattered all over the battlefield are then picked up by Groot and used as add-on weaponry. The Groot suit is a nice touch and we will see more of it in action pretty soon since it will take some time before Rocket finds a cure for his condition.

The Last Solo Marvel movie to be released under the Disney banner is Spider-Man: Far From Home. The movie is currently in theatres. The official film synopsis for the movie reads:

Peter Parker’s relaxing European vacation takes an unexpected turn when Nick Fury shows up in his hotel room to recruit him for a mission. The world is in danger as four massive elemental creatures — each representing Earth, air, water, and fire — emerge from a hole torn in the universe. Parker soon finds himself donning the Spider-Man suit to help Fury and fellow superhero Mysterio stop the evil entities from wreaking havoc across the continent.