Avengers: Infinity War Theory – Thanos Planned a Ceremonious Death For Iron Man

No other movies apart from Endgame and Infinity War have left us talking so much about them before and after their release. Avengers: Infinity War especially left us blabbering so much about what happened in there and what’s to follow. There have been countless theories and yet people just don’t want to stop. They just keep re-watching the film in hope to find something new. Well, that may have happened once again as we do have another Avengers: Infinity War theory.

The battle of Titan surely overpowered the War of Wakanda as that is actually where the real fight took place with Thanos. By the time the Mad Titan arrived in Wakanda, he already had 5 stones and was done fighting angry. Nobody was able to pose any real restrictions there apart from Thor, and 2 little glitches from Captain America & Scarlet Witch. But on Titan, Thanos didn’t just fight for the Time Stine, he also fought with a whole lot of anger as those guys up there were really able to piss him off.

The team-up of the Guardians and the Avengers came as close to taking the Gauntlet off of Thanos as anyone could get. Star-Lord spoiled that but having done that really sparked some major repressed anger out of Thanos. Then to follow that, Doctor Strange and Iron Man ran solo attempts against Thanos and were really able to give him a run for his money.

As the fight kept going on, Stark was the only one who managed to make Thanos bleed, even though it was just a drop of blood. But that enabled Tony to “Get those Hands,” or rather, a single hand with a big gold gauntlet and 4 Universe altering Gems.

Thanos was about to give Tony a respectful but horrifying death until Doctor Strange stopped him.at this very moment, Reddit user First-Fantasy points out the fact that Tony Stark’s execution was going to be ceremonious. Here’s what he wrote on his Reddit page:

“Thanos doesn’t kill the Guardians of the Galaxy or the Avengers even though he could at most points, with how built the Gauntlet is by the time we reach Titan and Earth. He disables them and saves them for the mercy of the Snap. The exception is after Tony makes Thanos bleed, he stabs him and says “I hope they remember you” and primes up all 4 stones for what is presumably a death stroke. Dr. Strange intervenes and offers the Time Stone for Starks life further proving Thanos intended to kill Tony.

What I was wondering is why all 4 stones? We know care was given into which stones are being activated for which purposes so it must have been something specific. Either the Power or Soul should be enough by itself right? My guess is he kills who he thinks could be a real threat like Loki and Thor in the begining and Tony causing real damage brought him to elite company in Thanos eyes. So his plan was to kill him (Soul/Power), Clean up his corpes (Reality) and send it to Earth with care (Space) so he could be properly honored. It could have just been a super blast like whatever he was shooting at Thor with 6 stones at the end but it seems excessive considering Tony was already down. It also makes me wonder if the 6 stone blast at Thor was just energy or a specific fate too but it just couldn’t break through the axe.”

Well, there are only some theories where these Reddit theories do feel like they have some weight in them. The death that Thanos may have planned for Tony may not have been exactly the way the Redditor describes here, but we do get the gist that it would have been really big.

And at that moment where everyone thought that Thanos was going to go through with it, millions of people would have cried and screamed seeing Iron Man die. We are very fortunate that we didn’t get to witness that, and probably still won’t.

Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26.