Avengers: Endgame Prelude Comic Reveals New Details About The Soul Stone

Avengers: Endgame Prelude Comic: 

Avengers: Endgame is not far away from now as we are getting closer to the release of this finale day by day. Marvel has stayed really tight-lipped when it comes to this film, and they have even lied to prevent any spoilers from leaking. The trailers have apparently given us nothing except a few movie stills. The entire marketing has actually happened through the leaks that came from the sets and the merchandise. What’s strange is that we haven’t even got any new details from the Avengers: Endgame Prelude Comic.

Till now, Marvel released two of these Preludes and both of them were the exact replicas/recaps of what we have seen in Avengers: Infinity War. Marvel preludes are usually known to add certain new details upon what is going to happen. Captain Marvel Prelude, for example, gave Nick Fury a whole story arc and explained what he had been up to all this time. But Infinity War Preludes matched Infinity War word for word.

Fortunately for us, we got the third and final Prelude of the film just yesterday finally we have a teeny bit of new details coming from it. Largely the comic is still what we have seen in the previous film. But there are two-three extra dialogues coming from a few scenes here and there. The first extended detail comes from a scene where Thor, Rocket, and Groot go to Nidavellir.

As you can see here, Thor explains to Rocket “That’s Nidavellir, the Renowned Forge capable of crafting Legendary Weapons, including the one we’ll use to avenge my people.” When you compare this little moment to the movie, Thor only tells him that “That’s Nidavellir.” So what’s interesting about this scene is the emphasis upon the word Legendary Weapons.

In the film, Eitri actually created two legendary weapons instead of just the Stormbreaker. As you can see here, there are clearly 2 molds. People argue that this is a second Stormbreaker, but it has to be something else. And we will probably see this second “Legendary Weapon” in Avengers: Endgame. The second scene to talk about in this prelude comics is something that happens on Vormir.

After Thanos sacrifices his Daughter, Red Skull tells him that his will is strong and “The Stone (Soul) accepts your sacrifice.” Red Skull mentioned that the Soul Stone has certain wisdom and holds a special place amongst all the Infinity Stones. So taking by what Red Skull told Thanos about accepting his sacrifice means that the stone is kinda alive. He talks about the stone as if it is a living being and has a consciousness.

Now we know that all the stones do have a consciousness and are sort of alive considering what the Mind Stone has done till now. It talked to Vision repeatedly, warning him about the threat of Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight and ultimately Thanos. It also influenced Loki in the first film. So, these stones are alive and can sort of think and feel. The Stone Accepts his sacrifice means that it could have denied it as well. So, the Stone knows if you are sacrificing the thing you truly love or not.

This factor certainly has to come into play in Avengers: Endgame. If the Avengers will make a move on the Infinity Stones then someone will have to make the ultimate sacrifice to acquire the Soul Stone. It is believed that this sacrifice will be made by Tony, who will forgo his chance of having a child, but that’s just a far-fetched theory.

We’d only know more once Avengers: Endgame arrives on April 26. Here’s the official synopsis:

“After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more in order to undo Thanos’ actions and restore order to the universe once and for all, no matter what consequences may be in store.”