Avengers: Endgame – There May be a Possibility of Red Hulk Besides Professor Hulk

Avengers: Endgame is coming out in 3 months and it will have to answer as many mysteries that have been left by the MCU in the past as possible. One of the most questionable story arc that has been going on throughout Phase 3 is everything about Hulk. We’ve heard that Marvel is running a 3 part arc for Hulk through Ragnarok, Infinity War, and Endgame, but there are a lot of questions that surround the Hulk.

There are some plausible theories of what could be done with the Hulk, but there are fewer answers as opposed to the questions that we have for the Hulk ever since the Age of Ultron. Reddit user Mr_Leeman has summarized a briefing asking all these questions and giving his plausible theory suggestions upon what could be the Hulk conundrum in Avengers: Endgame.

It all begins with what happened to Hulk during Age of Ultron. The Redditor points out that we got to see what Scarlet Witch showed to the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and Black Widow, but we were never shown what drove Hulk into a berserker rage.

Scarlet Witch attacked everyone upon their weak points as Steve was shown the life that he could never have, Natasha was shown the horrors of her past which still haunt her, Thor was shown that he will bring Ragnarok upon his people and that turned into a Reality, and Tony was shown his greatest fear, i.e. the Endgame. But what was the weakness that caused Banner to Hulk out like never before. Could it be a plot point in Avengers: Endgame? Here’s what the Reddit user points out:

“So, what did Banner see? What could be his greatest fear? The death of Black Widow… at his own hands? We see Banner fret about having a relationship with Widow, the risks and his concerns. He even leaves at the end of Age of Ultron in Hulk form ignoring Widow’s call back. Because he can’t risk what he saw?”

Now we know that the Hulk will return, so the Redditor lists some of the possibilities of Avengers: Endgame, which would cause the Hulk to resurface. He combines various theories which are out there to make new ones. Here’s what he wrote:

“1. Hulk will continue to play hard to get and it’s only when he sees Widow die that all that rage erupts and he returns, and wants vengeance.

2. Slightly more out of reach, however I think all the movies have their part to play. In Iron Man 3, nothing obvious jumps out as a link to the rest of the movies – unless you consider Extremis. What if to get Hulk out, they need to give him something to help. Using Extremis would make him pretty unstable, and pretty angry and… very Red! Could we get Red Hulk? (I know it’s not the comic version, but when has that stopped them).”

The death of Black Widow could be a great motivating factor for Hulk to come out of his shell, and it may also be what Wanda showed him in the first place. But the way Red Hulk is being teased here is something new, but can never happen in the MCU. Sure Marvel does ignore many comic book elements to do their own thing, but Bruce Banner cannot be turned into the Red Hulk even in our wildest dreams.

General “Thunderbolt” Ross was brought back in Civil War for a reason, and but that may be a long play. We could see the arrival of Red Hulk, and even Extremis could be used to bring him out, but that will probably be in Phase 4. Avengers: Endgame already has a lot to deal with, and Red Hulk will not be hashed out so cheaply even if this may be the last movie starring the Hulk.

So, no to the second option. But the Redditor then continues to give us the most logical theory that has been around all this time. Here’s what he wrote:

“3. Professor Hulk? This seems the most logical possibility, that Banner and Hulk will strike a deal – Banner’s brains for Hulk’s… stuff. I’ve seen several suggestions for this and although it make sense, but I wonder how a smart Hulk would sit with the general movie goer. He actually is more appealing as a raging monster, than a smart bruiser.”

Well, I’d beg to differ here, as this would actually be something new. An intellectual Hulk could achieve a whole lot. He’d be good at smashing and in total control. So this change would be for the best of everyone! While the third option is the most plausible of the 3, considering the fact that Black Widow cannot be killed off because of potential future appearances, there are some more lose threads hanging since Age of Ultron. The Reddit user continues to point out two more intriguing questions that have died down as the MCU moved forward:

“The other puzzling Hulk thing is how he got to Sakaar? I know there are lots of vortexes on the planet – but where is the one he went into to get there? It can’t be that far and I wonder if that will also play a part in Endgame.

Also on the subject of AOU – What crashed into the sea if not Hulk at the end?”

While these questions will continue to puzzle us, it is highly likely that these aspects were just put into Age of Ultron and Ragnarok for plot convenience. They were just vague explanations to tease something. Although these portals that end up to Sakaar could play a role in Endgame, we don’t know whether the writers, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely and directors Joe & Anthony Russo would have used them in any way while telling the final chapter of the MCU.

Everything will be confirmed on April 26, as that is when Avengers: Endgame hits the theatres.