Stan Lee Should Be Honored by Having a Post Credits Scene in Avengers 4

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been so successful mainly because of 3 names – Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Kevin Feige. Now we know that Kevin Feige shouldn’t be credited as much as Stan Lee or Jack Kirby, but he is the one who had the brainchild of a shared Cinematic Universe, and he is the one who has made it all happen, based on the work of the two legends.

So, it is his moral obligation to respect and honor Stan Lee, and we know that he & the entire MCU does that. But with Avengers 4 being the biggest film of the MCU, Stan Lee should get the biggest tribute in the film as well.

Now we know for a fact that Stan Lee has already shot his Avengers 4 cameo as Joe Russo told us in an interview earlier this year. Here’s what the co-director of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 had to say about it:

“He’s the godfather of a lot of these stories, him and Jack Kirby… So, Stan, typically we try to get him out — he doesn’t love to fly — so we try to get him out for his cameos around the same time. So if we have other movies shooting on the same lot that we’re on, for instance, Ant-Man [and the Wasp] or Avengers 4, we group his cameos together and then move him from one set to the next and get him through his cameos in one day.

Kevin Feige also mentioned recently that we do have some Stan Lee surprises coming our way, and we will only find out when the movies come out. He said:

“I’m not going to tell you what specifically, but Stan always appreciated a good surprise.”

Now as posted by Screen Rant, we totally agree with the fact that Avengers 4 should totally give Stan Lee the greatest tribute by making his cameo as the Post Credits scene of the film. Stan Lee’s Avengers 4 cameo just has to be special and probably the best of all considering the standard of the film.

It will be the culmination of the MCU and people are going to be pretty emotional towards the end of the film seeing the likes of Captain America, Iron Man and even Thor departing from the franchise. But now that Stan Lee is no more, the level of emotion will blow through the roof if Stan Lee makes his cameo right at the end during one of the post-credits sequences.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe should end with the guy who really made it all possible. That would actually be the biggest of honors that Stan Lee would have got.

Every Marvel movie coming in from now on will surely flash a similar message at the end which will say, “In the loving memory of Stan Lee.” But making Uncle Stan’s cameo as the final moment of a film that will end the MCU would just be way too epic and nostalgic.

This will be the first time that we get the Stan Lee Cameo in the post-credits scene. Before this, Stan Lee has had cameos at the end of the films but they were never during the post-credits scene. Stan Lee appeared at the end of The Avengers, Captain America: Civil War, and very recently Venom.

Amongst so many cameos, Stan Lee actually had a favourite one as well. He did reveal it to the fans that the cameo he actually loves is the one in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Lee said:

“Well, I think the cameo that’s my favorite is the one I did [with] Thor. I’m standing in a bar with him and he’s drinking this Asgardian drink, which is very powerful, and I ask for a sip and he says, ‘No, it would kill you,’ and I insist. And he gives me a sip and then in the next scene, they’re carrying me out. Now you’re saying to yourself, ‘Why is this Stan’s favorite cameo?’ and you haven’t thought of the real reason. It’s the only one I did that has two scenes. So I’m hoping it does well. Next time, they’ll give me three scenes. You never know where it’ll end.”

Stan Lee is set to appear in Captain Marvel, Avengers 4 and maybe even Spider-Man: Far From Home. Do you agree with the fact that his cameo should be in the post-credits scene of Avengers 4? Tell us in the comments.