Every 2019 Marvel Movie That Will Have Stan Lee’s Cameo

In the wake of the unfortunate death of Stan Lee, the sad Marvel fans also fear that we will not be getting any more Stan Lee cameos. We need not be afraid for the distant future as of right now because it has been confirmed that we are covered at least for the movies which are coming in 2019.

It only makes sense that all five Marvel films including Captain Marvel, Avengers 4, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Spider-Man: Far From Home & New Mutants will have already filmed the cameos with Stan Lee.

Out of this bunch, it could be a 50-50 scenario for New Mutants because of the significant reshoots and the tone of the film. Fox might not have approached Stan Lee for a cameo as it is not the typical X-Men film that we are used to watching.

Also, the state of the film is currently a blur. Fox has given the film a certified release date for August, but we are unsure whether the movie will even get an official release considering the number of times it has been reshot.

But we know for sure that Fox will bring us X-Men: Dark Phoenix and that will be the first X-Men film to come out under Disney. The film had already been shot and even the reshoots were done almost 2 months, so it is obvious that a Stan Lee cameo would have been filmed. This should be the case for New Mutants as well, but we can’t be sure!

What we can be sure of are the MCU films. Captain Marvel already finished shooting months ago, so Marvel will have filmed a Cameo for that with ease. We already have confirmation for Joe Russo that Stan Lee filmed his Avengers 4 cameo back in spring. Here’s what he said:

“He’s the godfather of a lot of these stories, him and Jack Kirby… So, Stan, typically we try to get him out — he doesn’t love to fly — so we try to get him out for his cameos around the same time. So if we have other movies shooting on the same lot that we’re on, for instance Ant-Man [and the Wasp] or Avengers 4, we group his cameos together and then move him from one set to the next and get him through his cameos in one day.”

We don’t know whether Lee filmed one for Spider-Man: Far From Home, but we’d like to assume that he did. Apart from all the 2019 movies, we are not actually done with 2018’s share of Marvel movies as we still have Sony’s Spider-Man: Into in the Spider-verse coming in December.

As we have been familiar that Stan Lee doesn’t even leave animated projects these days. He had a cameo in Big Hero Six and he even appeared in a Rival Animated comic book movie Teen Titans Go to Movies. So why would Sony leave out the Spider-verse film? Stan Lee was in the recent Spider-Man game as well, it is a no-brainer that he would be in Spider-verse.

In total if you count, we still have 6 more potential cameos left. Kevin Feige just recently confirmed that Stan Lee does have a few surprises for us which Feige chose not to spoil. What’s amazing is that amongst all the cameos that Stan Lee had filmed, he did have a personal favourite.

Now if you are a Marvel fan, you would know the range and variety of cameos that Uncle Stan had. A while ago, we go to know that Uncle Stan’s favorite cameo is the one he did in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Here’s what Lee had to say about it:

“Well, I think the cameo that’s my favorite is the one I did [with] Thor. I’m standing in a bar with him and he’s drinking this Asgardian drink, which is very powerful, and I ask for a sip and he says, ‘No, it would kill you,’ and I insist. And he gives me a sip and then in the next scene, they’re carrying me out. Now you’re saying to yourself, ‘Why is this Stan’s favorite cameo?’ and you haven’t thought of the real reason. It’s the only one I did that has two scenes. So I’m hoping it does well. Next time, they’ll give me three scenes. You never know where it’ll end.”

My personal favorite is the one that happened in The Incredible Hulk! That cameo should have had a sequel or something because we do need to know whether Hulk’s DNA did something miraculous to Uncle Stan. Stan Lee is set to appear in Captain Marvel, Avengers 4 and maybe even Spider-Man: Far From Home.