Here’s How the New Captain Marvel Photo Connects to the First Avengers Movie

Captain Marvel is probably the only big thing that is currently going strong on the net, thanks to Entertainment Weekly which has given us a swarm of photos from Captain Marvel. There were a lot of heavy aspects from the story of the film that was revealed here which shed light on the plot of the film. Seeing the photos we could make out that Carol Danvers will start off on Earth, join the Kree army to go up against the Skrulls and then finally emerge as the real Captain Marvel we all are waiting to see.

Brie Larson talked to EW about her role in the film and she revealed some particular traits of Carol Danvers as a character. Here’s what she said:

“She can’t help but be herself. She can be aggressive, and she can have a temper, and she can be a little invasive and in your face. She’s also quick to jump to things, which makes her amazing in battle because she’s the first one out there and doesn’t always wait for orders. But the [not] waiting for orders is, to some, a character flaw.”

So we can make out the fact that she’s gonna be a Rowdy person who is one of those cool ones from the 90s. The EW photo shown above gives us a feel of how her personality is going to be. We know that Marvel is going to take over some big things from the 90s and we can make out from what Carol is wearing, which is a leather jacket, a pair of jeans, a hat and a Nine Inch Nails t-shirt. Well, this was the popular band from the 90s and the kind of description given about her does suggest that she would like and sport this band.

It is good to see the NIN reference here because the first trailer of The Avengers also had NIN’s “We’re In This Together Now” as the background score. This surely is a clever tie into the larger cinematic Universe and it is great to see how amazingly well Marvel connects things.

Carol Danvers is totally going to grow into a different person in this film as she is going to go through a lot of character development. Larson mentioned that her character Carol Danvers will go through an internal struggle before she fully emerges as the hero we all are waiting for:

“You have this Kree part of her that’s unemotional, that is an amazing fighter and competitive. Then there’s this human part of her that is flawed but is also the thing that she ends up leading by. It’s the thing that gets her in trouble, but it’s also the thing that makes her great. And those two sides warring against each other is what makes her her.”

She went on to talk about what really attracted her to take on this role. She mentioned that the in-depth dynamic of the role was the one that latched her on to being Marvel’s strongest hero. She said:

“That is something that is really exciting to me about this film: We did not cut corners on that stuff. Like, when it’s funny, it is funny, but also when there’s deep emotional things happening, it’s real. So I was able to bring some of those same things that I’ve brought to full dramatic roles into this, which I’m really proud of because I think it will really set this film apart.”

While all that Captain Marvel has to offer us seems amazing, the big thing that everyone is waiting for is when Captain Marvel will make her grand entrance in Avengers 4 and take on Thanos. To be honest, Thanos is going to be screwed. He will lose big time!

Captain Marvel will hit the theatres on March 8, 2019. Here’s the official Synopsis:

“The story follows Carol Danvers as she becomes one of the universe’s most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races,” the synopsis reads. “Set in the 1990s, Captain Marvel is an all-new adventure from a previously unseen period in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.”