Here’s Why Superman Had To Kill Zod In Man of Steel

Man of Steel was the movie that marked the beginning of the DCEU. Zack Snyder took charge of starting a shared Universe using the DC Comics characters and the first one he put out was Superman. Man of Steel was a movie that did manage to bring in significant profits for WB and it also got a good enough approval by the critics. It still divided many fans as not all could succumb to a darker than usual tone when it comes to Superman.

The movie was a true origin story as Zack Snyder had set up an entire plot of how and where Superman came from. It was a thing of beauty if you think about it. But not everyone thinks that way. Snyder is known for movies that usually present a Darker Tone and Reality, and his movies in the DCEU have specifically portrayed that. He also uses a whole lot of CGI in the films where entire cities are constructed through CGI, and big fight sequences especially involving the ones with powers also contain computer-generated imagery.

Man of Steel has also filled jam-packed action sequences, especially the entire third act of the movie. We got to see one fight after the other and the scale of those fights was massive. The last epic fight between Superman and Zod was obviously the best of all but the moment that made fans not like the movie very much came after the fight when Zod did not want to stop, so Superman snapped his neck because he had to kill him so he could save the Human race from the Kryptonian who did not want to share Earth with the Humans.

Superman is a hero just like Batman. He does not believe in Killing, rather he believes in true Justice. This is the main reasons why many fans were pissed at the dark tone that Man of Steel portrayed, as it made Superman kill Zod within his first movie itself. Cavill was recently speaking with  Square Mile where he revealed that the neck snap scene with Zod was going to have a much bigger impact in the future of Superman than we ever got to see.

He said:

“The killing of Zod would have led to a wonderful reason why Superman never kills. Not, he never kills just because his dad said so one day. He made the decision himself because of an impossible scenario, to which he then said, ‘I don’t care if it’s impossible again, I’m gonna find a way to make it possible in the impossible.’”

Well, this whole new side to Superman was to be revealed in a Man of Steel sequel, but the shared Universe was fast-tracked as DC now had to compete with Marvel. Henry Cavill was recently asked when could we expect a sequel and his reply does suggest that it may not be for a while. He said:

“I can say this… it is highly likely we will see another Superman movie somewhere between 2019 and 2045.”

This sequel should have happened before but the expansion of the DCEU was necessary. Here’s what Cavill told about the expansion, and what it meant:

“we didn’t get the opportunity to show the other side of it, the ‘I’m ready to be Superman now and I’m ready to show the world the best examples’. That’s where the joy and glee comes from, and that sense of warmth from the character, which is his real superpower – he makes people believe in themselves. It was a shame because it would’ve been nice, and it would have been a lovely coupling with the seriousness and the depth of Man of Steel.”

The upcoming DC movies are more or less a myster as only Aquaman, Shazam! and Wonder Woman: 1984 have confirmed release dates, rest all other movies which are under development do not have confirmed release dates. Here are all the DC movies which are currently under development with Warner Bros – Suicide Squad 2, Birds of Prey, The Batman, Flashpoint & Black Adam are said to be going under production sometime in the next year, while Man of Steel 2, Joker vs. Harley Quinn, Deathstroke, Lobo, Justice League Dark, Joker Spin-off, Nightwing, Joker Origins, New Gods Cyborg and Green Lantern Corps have not been updated.  

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