20 Hilarious Ms. Marvel Memes After Watching First Episode

Ms. Marvel shattered all the lower expectations that fans had before for the show. Episode 1 was totally amazing and here we bring you some of the hilarious Ms. Marvel memes after watching episode 1:

1. Sure!!


2. LOL!!

3. Oh No!!


4. Madman!

5. WTF!!


6. Seems The Same To Me!!

7. Got That Reference!!


8. Exactly Like Me!!

9. Missing Her!!


10. What Do You Mean, NO??

11. Haha!


12. Every Asian Parent!!

13. Planning And Plotting!!


14. Real Low!!

15. Very Sad!!


16. Absolutely!!

17. Damn!!


18. Every Show Is The Best!!

19. Sure Thing!!


20. LOL!!

Which of the above Ms. Marvel memes did you like the most? Have you watched the first episode yet? Let us know your answers down in the comments.

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