How The Children of Wolverine Are Destined To Die So Ironically

Wolverine is definitely one of the darkest chapters when it comes to the mutants in the Marvel Universe. There have been various ways in the arc of this character has been approached and that has allowed us to gain some insight into him. Each of these stories has shown us that there is a certain tragic element to him that comes from his past and continues to play a role in his future. Over the years, we have gotten to see him die in a lot of different manners and this has happened in both the main timeline and alternate universes. According to the latest comics, this fate is also attached to Wolverine’s children.


Recently we got to see an interesting narrative from the blade-wielding mutant in Marvel Comics. According to the synopsis for the comics:

The mutant best known as WOLVERINE has lived many lives under many identities and in many places, but never before has the fate of the future been so entwined with the past! Fan-favorite eras of Wolverine’s saga are explored anew, along with never-before-seen episodes as Logan must travel to various points in time to prevent the death of a key figure in mutant history. But these LIVES are only one side of the story… Be here for the start of the time-shredding saga across all of Wolverine’s history and future yet to come.


This narrative has been compared to the X-Men: Days of Future Past story. But this time around the character is focused on making sure that Professor Xavier isn’t killed by their opponent who has been sent back in time. Wolverine actually visits key times in his own past with the consciousness in order to make sure that Xavier isn’t attacked by the enemy. This gives us an interesting insight into both the character of Xavier and that of Wolverine. But now there is a whole new chapter to this arc and it has only gotten darker.


The Fate of the Children of Wolverine

X Deaths of Wolverine from Benjamin Percy and Federico Vicentini see Wolverine teaming up with his own children. They are all focused on making sure that Moira MacTaggert is killed so that the terrible future of the Phalanx Wolverine never ends up happening. According to the synopsis:

DEATH IS NOT THE END. DEATH IS THE OMEGA. WEEK 2 – If WOLVERINE’s future lies in the past, what does that mean for the present? The reciprocal series to X LIVES OF WOLVERINE, X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE is can’t-miss reading, chock-full of revelations for the best there is as well as the fate of mutantkind.


In #4, during their mission, Wolverine explains that each one of his children ends up having a terrible fate. But each of these is quite similar to something that he himself has experienced over the years in his journey. According to him, Daken is killed during a Sentinel blast, Scout dies when she is ripped in half, and Laure has a fate where she is experimented upon over the years until her body gives in. Fans might have noticed that Wolverine has himself experienced most of these tragic narratives and the most similar amongst these is the one that Laura ends up facing.


Children of Wolverine

Wolverine had died during a Sentinel blast in the Days of Future Past narrative in the dystopian future. At the same time, we witnessed the character getting ripped in half by Hulk in the X-Men’s Ultimate Universe. While fans might be getting a chance to get some insight into the character of Wolverine, it only adds to the tragic story of the character over the years. If Wolverine doesn’t end up being successful with his plans in the narrative, these fates won’t possibly get a chance to be avoided. Let’s hope that the success of the mission actually removes some of these horrible fates that our favorite character has to end up witnessing.


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