20 Funniest Dane Whitman Memes Before His Return in Blade

Who would have thought that Kit Harrington would be playing Dane Whitman in the MCU? It is relevant because Dane Whitman will become Black Knight, the greatest swordsman on the planet who fights alongside Avengers. Check out these funniest Dane Whitman memes:

1. Very Personal!!


2. Seriously!

3. Yes Please!!


4. He Don’t Want It!!

5. LOL!!!


6. Oh yeah!!

7. Haha!!


8. Woah!

9. Oops!!


10. That’s right!!

11. Real Shit!!


12. LMAO!!

13. Oh No!!


14. Oops!!

15. Totally!!


16. WTF!!

17. Exactly!


18. Get A Sword!

19. Hehe!!


20. Please Do Not!!

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