The Rotten Tomatoes Score of The Suicide Squad Is The Best For a DCEU Film

The history of DCEU films is one plagued with fan appraisal but critical disappointment. The only movie that WB put out which was favored by both groups is Man of Steel. Ever since the initial release, every other production has had a bad reception from one of those groups. The critics bashed Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice but the fans embraced it with enthusiasm. To say that the franchise is in trouble would be an understatement. But with the release of The Suicide Squad, it seems that the luck of WB has changed. The Rotten Tomatoes Score of The Suicide Squad is the best for a DCEU film to date.

The Rotten Tomatoes Score of The Suicide Squad

The current score of The Suicide Squad stands at 98% fresh with 63 reviews. It seems that as more reviews come in, the score could remain still remain the highest for a DCEU film to date. It will surely be Certified Fresh very soon. Rotten Tomatoes has never given such a favorable review to The Suicide Squad, especially one which the fans liked. It seems that DCEU has hit the right chord this time around. They have seemingly come to the realization that a balance should be struck between creative oversight and comic accuracy.

Rotten Tomatoes Score of The Suicide Squad

Rotten Tomato scores work on critic reviews. Unlike IMDB which works on both fans’ and critics’ reviews. The score has less chance of being skewed because of this. It is less likely to be zerg rushed by a bunch of fans vying to raise the popularity of a bad movie. This makes rotten tomatoes one of the most important critical reviewing websites on the internet. With the initial reviews, it seems that The Suicide Squad is on the path to success. It may be due to the initial reaction and the lack of negative reviews but even as days go on it is likely that this movie will remain at the top of the DCEU pyramid with regard to ratings.

Critical Embargo

Some of the critics’ reviews have been iterated below for your perusal:

Peter Gray of The AU review wrote:

“Gunn’s script is a much more confident product.  It doesn’t play everything for laughs, at least not enough for it to crack under its own eccentricities, but it understands the balance of comedy and odd emotion it needs to project in order for these incredibly outlandish characters and situations to resonate; if you don’t find yourself warming to Ratcatcher 2 and King Shark then, quite frankly, you’re dead inside!”

Richard Trenholm of CNET wrote:

“This is a movie where the US government hires a shark that talks like Sylvester Stallone to tear people in half, and it is sick. It is sick as hell.”

Robert Kojder of The Flickering Myth reviewed:

“Fuses James Gunn’s early career Troma sensibilities with the enormous misfit heart of Guardians of the Galaxy while giving Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn some of her best action and dialogue thus far”

Dan Jolin from Time Out posted this:

Cinematically, Gunn draws on all the gritty men-on-a-mission war movies of his childhood (The Dirty DozenThe Guns of NavaroneWhere Eagles Dare). Here the setting is a fictional Latin American island, where our antiheroes must shut down an old Nazi research facility. But into this ammo-and-camo setting he gleefully lobs a talking, walking shark (voiced by Sylvester Stallone), a guy infected by multicoloured, cosmic polka dots (David Dastmalchian), a toilet-seat-helmeted vigilante who claims he’d kill any man, woman or child to protect peace (John Cena) and a giant starfish. Named Starro the Conqueror………………While this sounds like it could be a lurid, teen-boy-fever-dream mess, Gunn gels it together with a wicked sense of humor and an evident affection for his characters who, though not so endearing as his Guardians of the Galaxy, are a hoot to hang around with.”

Kirsten Acuna from Insider writes

“The Suicide Squad” is relentlessly unapologetic, wacky and weird, violent and bloody, and darkly humorous. It also has so much heart that you may find yourself fighting back tears by its end.”

You could check out the rest of the reviews right here. Do you think that the Rotten Tomatoes Score of The Suicide Squad will maintain such high standards? Let us know in the comments.

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