Top 10 Best New Netflix Original TV Shows of The Past Few Years

Netflix Original TV Shows:

In the past three years, Netflix has successfully managed to become the king of original content as it has produced some of our favorite TV shows back-to-back. We already cannot imagine our lives without these shows and we cannot wait to see what they have prepared for us in the future.

#10: 13 Reasons Why (2017 – 2020)

We can all agree on the fact that this show deviated from its original premise and the last two seasons completely disappointed the fans. The shock factor of the first season was amazing and it was refreshing to see a teenage show on such a serious theme. If the show would have ended after the first season, then 13 Reasons Why would have gone down as one of Netflix’s best.

#9: Altered Carbon (2018 -)

Altered Carbon’s first season is a gift to Sci-fi lovers as it tells a completely badass story and it is set in a beautiful cyberpunk future. It’s really hard to beat this show in terms of cinematography. The second season was a bit of a let-down as the quality of the story went down significantly. If you cannot wait for CD PROJEKT RED’s Cyberpunk 2077, then watch this show to get that exact feel.

#8: The Umbrella Academy (2019 -)

The Umbrella Academy is a peculiar superhero TV show as it challenged every pre-set notion about the superhero genre. If you want to watch a dysfunctional X-Men like shows where the protagonists pop more anti-depressants than you can count, then you cannot miss this show. Its style and soundtrack make it a worthy watch.

#7: The End of the F***ing World (2017 – 2019)

No one could have imagined a rom-com about two psychopaths to be this popular but this show surprised everyone. This show is edgy and cool. It is filled with dark humor and has the ability to surprise you with its violence. Jessica Barden and Alex Lawther are perfect in this show and their performance alone makes this show watch-worthy.

#6: The Witcher (2019 -)

The fans unfairly touted this show as ‘the Next Game of Thrones’ and we are not going to lie, this show is not there yet, but it certainly has the potential. The Witcher would have been a disaster if the makers had hired anyone other than Henry Cavill for Geralt. He single-handedly carries the entire show. The fight choreography is beautiful and it almost feels like a movie.

#5: When They See Us (2019)

When They See Us is a gut-wrenching mini-series and even though it only has 4 episodes, its impact has been profound. This show is hard to watch. It is thought-provoking and you will be angry and sad after watching this show. But that is what makes it so necessary. It is based on a true story, and it feels real as well. The acting is top-notch and it will actually move you to tears.

#4: The Punisher (2017 – 2019)

This is the Punisher that all of us were waiting for. Filled with murder and blood, Netflix’s The Punisher is a fantastic action TV series. Jon Bernthal is perfect as the ruthless Marvel character and his intense performance makes this show a must-watch. Even if you are not a Superhero fan, you’ll love this show as Frank Castle does not have any special abilities, he’s just a madman out for revenge.

#3: Ozark (2017 -)

There has hardly been any other TV series that has shown growth like Jason Bateman’s Ozark. It gets better with every season. It has a lot of similarities with the legendary TV show Breaking Bad and it is on the same trajectory. Season 3 was phenomenal and now that the fourth season is going to be the last one, we just cannot wait to see how they’ll end this.

#2: Mindhunter (2017 -)

Serial Killers have always intrigued viewers but serial killer shows often rely on action and killings. That is where Mindhunter manages to separate itself. It focuses on the ‘why’ and not the ‘how’. This ground-breaking series is all about the psychology surrounding serial killers. Unfortunately, the show is on indefinite hiatus and we hope David Fincher changes that as soon as possible.

#1: Dark (2017 – 2020)

Dark is certainly the most talked-about TV show nowadays as the third and final season ended on a new high, making it one of the best TV shows of all time. Unlike a lot of other shows, the hype actually helped this show and we are glad that fans are finally putting content over everything else. This show is compelling, intoxicating and you will never forget it (once you finally understand it).

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