Top 10 Greatest Sci-Fi Disaster Movies of All Time

Sci-Fi Disaster Movies:

2020 has been nothing short of a disaster movie so far as the hits just keep on coming. But we would rather watch disasters on the big screen than in real life. Fans have always loved to watch sci-fi disaster movies, as even though these movies don’t have any logic, they are action-packed and a giant dose of entertainment.

#10: San Andreas (2015)

San Andreas stars Dwayne Johnson, so you know exactly what this movie is going to be about, but that doesn’t necessarily make it bad. It is a very entertaining movie full of spectacular visuals. It is a proper disaster movie that focuses on a handful of people. The Rock sure knows how to churn entertaining movies.

#9: Melancholia (2011)

Melancholia is a very unconventional disaster movie and it is not what you expect it to be. This movie received polarizing reviews as there is no in-between. It will freak you out as it gives a very realistic interpretation of a world-ending situation. The movie is character-oriented and it explores the human emotions in detail.

#8: 2012 (2009)

The hype around this movie was real as most of us actually believed that the world would end in 2012 as per the Mayan prophecy. 2012 will not really add anything substantial to your life but it will entertain you immensely. The movie is absurd at times, but that is the whole point as it is a Guilty-pleasure movie.

#7: Cloverfield (2008)

There are hardly any other movies like Cloverfield. This movie will not give any explicit knowledge about the situation to comfort you. It will leave you hanging for clues and your head will spin trying to figure out what is actually going on. It has a very intriguing apocalyptic theme and to fully enjoy it, you must ignore the shaky-cam.

#6: Deep Impact (1998)

Deep Impact is a movie about humans beings who are dealing with an impending disaster and it is done very well. Apart from having countless action-packed scenes, surprisingly Deep Impact has a lot of emotional scenes, which is a rarity in disaster movies. This movie focused a lot more on the scientific aspects, which was refreshing.

#5: World War Z (2013)

People who are rooting for a zombie apocalypse would definitely change their minds after watching World War Z as the zombies in this movie are terrifying. Brad Pitt is in the lead and his character is very likable, as usual. It is one of the best zombie movies with a lot of action and it is a very entertaining ride.

#4: I am Legend (2007)

Any movie becomes a whole lot better when it has Will Smith. His performance as Dr. Robert Neville is spectacular and he was the perfect choice for the movie. I am Legend is full of thrilling sequences and it has the perfect blend of horror and drama. The movie leaves a lot to your imagination and it is a great way to go for such a movie.

#3: The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

The Day After Tomorrow is what a disaster movie should be. It shows a modern ice age, full of hurricanes, tsunamis, and blizzards. Do not watch this movie for science, just watch it for the ground-breaking visual effects. It is a roller coaster ride that will leave you satisfied.

#2: Armageddon (1998)

Armageddon describes everything that Hollywood is all about. It is one of the ultimate guilty pleasure movies starring Bruce Willis. There is no need to choose between Deep Impact and this movie as both are awesome in their rights. It is full of fun and action-packed sequences. This movie was made for entertainment and it delivers on that aspect without fail.

#1: Independence Day (1996)

Independence Day changed the entire landscape for disaster movies as it was a giant blockbuster entertainer. It proved that a movie can succeed only depending on the action, without any logic whatsoever. This movie also had a very big hand in making Will Smith into an international star.