The Next Disney+ Show Under Marvel’s Plans is ‘Power Pack’

Marvel: Next Disney+ Show Power Pack-

Disney+ is offering Marvel the medium that they’ve so desperately needed for a long time. The Marginal Utility of interest may get diminished now that Marvel is expanding big time, but the diehard fans will still stick around for anything that Marvel has to sell us. And, so we’d wait for all the new shows and films that Disney+ will bring in, along with the ones that are coming out in the theatres.

D23 recently announced 3 more series that will tell us stories featuring 3 brand new characters of the MCU. But recent rumors have also revealed what we could expect after Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, and the She-Hulk series. Daniel Richtman, who is “A Twitter influencer and writer” for CNBC, has suggested that Marvel is planning to bring a show called ‘Power Pack’ on Disney+. Things aren’t confirmed yet, but this little snippet does seem to be true.

It’s true because back in December 2018, Roger Wardell (Marvel leaker) also reported the fact that Marvel is considering to bring a Ms. Marvel and Power Pack show for the Disney streaming service. Not only was he right about Ms. Marvel, but everything else that he tweeted looks and turned out to be legit. The plot details of Avengers: Endgame were spot on. We’re yet to see whether it’d be the same for films like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 & Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. But bringing Power Pack is a surety.

Marvel Plans: Next Disney+ Show ‘Power Pack’

For those uninitiated, the team called Power Pack was created by Louise Simonson and June Brigman, and they first featured in 1984’s Power Pack #1. The members of this group include Alex Power/Zero-G, Julie Power/Lightspeed, Jack Power/Mass Master and Katie Power/Energizer. Their adventures have crossed over with the son of Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic) and Sue Storm (Invisible Woman), Franklin Richards.

Marvel Plans: Next Disney+ Show ‘Power Pack’

Well, Power Pack could actually lead us to into Marvel’s Fantastic Four movie, that’ll probably come out in 2023 or 2024. We don’t know how Marvel will handle the connection considering Sue and Reed will have to be a pre-established couple if the team has to meet their son. This could in fact be the new direction that Marvel might begin with, but then again, everything we’re currently talking about is just a mere hearsay.

As of now, anything is possible. Any character could get a Disney+ series. Other than Power Pack, Valkyrie is also a character that is rumored for a series. It was rumored that Lady Sif will also be getting a Disney+ series, but it would make more sense for Taika to bring her in Thor: Love And Thunder. She could perhaps be the new Queen of Asgard.

Moving forward after Thor 4, it is obvious that Jane Foster being the Mighty Thor will be continuing the franchise. While the king of Asgard Valkyrie could appear in Jane’s Thor movies, it will be better is she also gets one of these Disney+ series to tell her own tale of adventures. She will not be getting a solo film, so perhaps a series could be used to explore New Asgard and allow Valkyrie more screen time. And if Lady Sif ends up being the queen, then she’d also appear alongside the King of New Asgard. All this could set up an A-Force film as well.

Marvel’s future is huge and there’s a lot that could happen. But until further news updates, Here’s how the Phase 4 slate looks for now –

Black Widow on May 1, 2020, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier in Fall 2020, The Eternals on November 6, 2020, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings on February 12, 2021, WandaVision in Spring 2021, Loki in Spring 2021, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on May 7, 2021, What If? In Summer 2021, Hawkeye in Fall 2021, and Thor: Love and Thunder on November 5, 2021. Following these are Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, and She-Hulk. Black Panther 2 is also scheduled for May 6, 2022.