The Only Two Ways Left For Marvel to Bring Mutants Into The MCU

Marvel is currently focusing on the Phase Ending movie, i.e. Spider-Man: Far From Home. Although it is a Sony movie, it still develops the story of the MCU. Moreover, it is the film that will lead us to the next 5 years of MCU films. Due to James Gunn’s firing, Marvel had no option but to slow down and exclude one movie from the next year’s release schedule. Now what that does is actually delay the entry of mutants within the MCU.

Kevin Feige has already confirmed that it will be a while before we see any of the X-Men or the Fantastic Four make their MCU debut. They’ve got a 5-year plan currently under works, and the X-Men cannot be integrated into that plan. They are just happy with the fact that these Fox properties have finally come home and are a part of their arsenal, but we shouldn’t expect them to drop what they’re doing and start working on X-Men related properties just now.

Here’s what he told io9 at an Avengers: Endgame press event last month:

“It’ll be a while. It’s all just beginning and the five-year plan that we’ve been working on, we were working on before any of that was set. So really it’s much more, for us, less about specifics of when and where [the X-Men will appear] right now and more just the comfort factor and how nice it is that they’re home. That they’re all back. But it will be a very long time.”

As far as Marvel’s future plans are concerned, Kevin Feige did mention that we shouldn’t expect any announcements until Spider-Man: Far From Home releases. Here’s what he said:

“I don’t wanna be annoying, but I think it … In a certain way, that is also sort of a post-Endgame spoiler. I will say all of the post Comic-Con, post Spider-Man: Far From Home stuff, we … Here’s an exclusive. We’re gonna keep making movies. We’re gonna still keep making movies after these two. And we will talk about them soon after Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out.”

So it will be a long wait before we actually get to see the mutants come into play. But with their inevitable entry into the MCU, we just can’t stop and wonder how exactly the mutants will be brought into the MCU. The entire world is supposedly populated with people who have the X-Gene. Marvel cannot just come in and say that the mutants have always existed and never have we actually seen one until now. We just can’t have an entire school of gifted people just appear out of a sudden normally. There has to be a proper explanation as to how they come into play.

Fortunately for the MCU, they’ve already set two big ways in which the mutants could be easily integrated with the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. Avengers: Endgame has to be given the biggest credit for it as it caused not one but 2 big snaps 5 years after Thanos caused the first. Now we can say that one of the recent two Snaps have led to the entry of the Mutants in either of the two explicit ways.

The Multiverse

Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer has confirmed that the Multiverse will finally come into play within the MCU. Mysterio is in fact a part of the Multiverse itself. So is it possible that this could be the way that Marvel is looking to bring in the likes of Wolverine, other X-Men, and even the Fantastic Four into the MCU? The Snap has caused a hole in the 616 dimension and that has led to different Earths mingling. So it is entirely possible that the Mutants could be brought in through this gateway.

But using the Multiverse a lot actually cheapens the quality of storytelling. It makes things very convenient for the writers to just do whatever they want using the Infinite Earths logic. Look at what happened with The Flash ever since it started to use the multiverse heavily. Doppelganger versions of certain characters were brought on to their own Earth and that allowed different versions of the dead characters to come into play. But overall, the quality of story-telling just died and the ratings of the show dropped.

Yes, Marvel could use the Multiverse, and with that, they can even integrate the MCU with Fox’s X Universe. But why do that when you clearly have a chance to reboot. The Multiverse will also solve the “how mutants came into the picture” problem. But that problem can be better solved through the following way, without actually using the Multiverse.

Energy Surge from the Snap

Rocket confirmed that Thanos’ snap caused an immense power surge that went all across Earth. The same must have happened in the two snaps that were recently caused. So what if the X-Gene which already existed amongst certain humans all across the planet got unlocked with the Snaps. The MCU still hasn’t dealt with the fact that how exactly did Wanda and Pietro get their powers. Marvel has deliberately stayed away from that in order to not address them as Mutants.

But now they totally can. Now they can come in and claim the fact that the Maximoff twins are actually the first two mutants of the MCU, and the Infinity Stones Avengers: Endgame the cause for it. Take the 3 snaps that happened as 3 test experiments. Also, compare them with the Particle Accelerator Explosion from the Flash.

As the explosion of the particle accelerator caused a citywide surge creating Metahumans, the 3 snaps that happened could have unlocked the X-Gene in the bodies of the people. Some of the humans could have developed their powers slowly using multiple snaps, while some could have developed them with 1 snap itself. This totally explains how the mutants have suddenly come into existence and doesn’t even use Multiple Earths to do so.

The second option is the best one, but let’s see how Marvel pulls it off.