Marvel Fans Have a New Petition For Danny DeVito to be Wolverine in MCU

Guess, the tradition of petitions isn’t coming down soon. And Marvel fans are at the heart of this new trend. Well, this time around, the petition is really absurd but not so surprisingly, has 5,014 signatures already. The petition is that fans want Danny DeVito to portray the character of Wolverine in the MCU. I know the ones who haven’t sign this petition are going to laugh, but that’s what happening in this strange world. 

Talking about the petition, it has been initiated by a Reddit user named ‘Ring Arius’. Along with the petition, he wrote,

“The only man able to take the throne after Hugh Jackman. We believe that if Wolverine is to make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that the only man able to pull it off is Danny Devito.”

If you too want to contribute to this, then click here and sign the petition.

It seems like petitions have become the new trend as we all know that Game of Thrones fans also came up with a petition demanding a remake of the final season, which astonishingly has got one million signatures. But, we all know that these petitions come and go. Kevin Feige already mentioned in an interview earlier this season about the involvement of Wolverine in the MCU. He had said,

“It’ll be a while. It’s all just beginning and the five-year plan that we’ve been working on, we were working on before any of that was set. So really it’s much more, for us, less about specifics of when and where [the X-Men will appear] right now and more just the comfort factor and how nice it is that they’re home. That they’re all back. But it will be a very long time.”

So, what are your thoughts on this petition of casting Danny as the next Wolverine of the MCU? Tell us in the comments section down below.