Avengers: Endgame – Are the Infinity Stones Alive in The MCU?

Avengers: Endgame – 

While the MCU is driven by its various heroes and villains, the entire story driven by them is actually set up around one, or rather 6 key elements – The Infinity Stones. They have been extremely important to the plot of this entire “Infinity Saga.” You remove the stones from these films and you’d see the entire MCU crumble and fall. The plot would have been totally different if it weren’t for the Infinity Stones. Things might not even have been good without the stones, but it’s good that we have these Gems of unlimited power shaping the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Talking about these Gems we come to the question of whether these Gems are alive. We’ve seen some questionable moments in the MCU that totally suggest that the Infinity Stones are living and very capable of altering any given situation. So far, the Mind Stone and the Space Stone are the ones that have been used the most in the MCU. Rest, 3 other stones – Power, Reality and Time were used for one movie before they were brought into Infinity War, and then the Soul Stone was brought in that movie itself.

We’ve seen multiple examples of the Mind Stone doing its thing. Loki was affected by the stone, Thanos could have possibly been permanently affected by the stone, it caused a major argument on the Helicarrier, Ultron’s beliefs were corrupted by the Mind Stone and there’s been plenty of other stuff that has been caused by the Mind Stone. So it is clearly living and thinking as it was shown in Age of Ultron where Bruce and Tony were comparing Jarvis’ matrix to that of the Stone.

When you talk about the Soul Stone, you see that it is also living. The proof of this is stated in the Avengers: Endgame Prelude #3 as After Thanos sacrifices his Daughter, Red Skull tells him that his will is strong and “The Stone (Soul) accepts your sacrifice.”

Red Skull mentioned that the Soul Stone has certain wisdom and holds a special place amongst all the Infinity Stones. So taking by what Red Skull told Thanos about accepting his sacrifice means that the stone is kinda alive. He talks about the stone as if it is a living being and has a consciousness.

Rest of the examples have been given by Reddit user ObtuseOblong.

Coming to the Reality Stone, it has the power to alter reality itself. It “Manipulates Jane Foster’s reality in Thor: The Dark World in order for her to access it using the convergence gateways. As seen by falsifying data on her tracking device (leading her astray) and creating a gust of wind to push her through the portal. The stone then physically attacks/assimilates with Jane and somehow contacts Malekith, awakening the dark elves.”

Then we have the Space Stone which actually has the ability to choose who can use it, or even hold it. We’ve seen plenty of people hold it in their hands and it did nothing to them, but it sent Red Skull to Vormir, not allowing him to access it. “In Avengers, Erik Selvig explains that the Space Stone turned itself on to Nick Fury. He even hesitantly states that the ‘stone is misbehaving’ and goes on to say “the Tesseract is not only active, she’s behaving.””

So that’s clearly 4 stones with a consciousness. The Power Stone and the Time Stone haven’t shown any major signs of life, but when the other stones with unlimited strength have one, then we are inclined to believe that these 2 have one too. Perhaps the bill that is supposed to come due in Doctor Strange 2 could be a result of the Time Stone acting up.

Let’s see what happens. Avengers: Endgame is going to dig deeper into these stones. Here’s the official synopsis:

“After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more in order to undo Thanos’ actions and restore order to the universe once and for all, no matter what consequences may be in store.”