Here’s How All the Marvel Netflix Shows Will Be Continued in the Future

Now that Netflix has officially axed all 5 of the Marvel properties they had (6 Including Defenders) we can finally talk about how these shows can be continued in the future. Jessica Jones is yet to appear in her final season on Netflix, but beyond that, we won’t be seeing any Marvel shows originally produced for Netflix. It is clear that these shows weren’t canceled because of their quality or viewership, this was merely a statement by Netflix as Disney is also entering into competition with their own Streaming Service Disney+.

Marvel Netflix Shows

So it wasn’t logical to promote Disney’s name with their content on Netflix. Even though no one would talk about this as they aren’t legally allowed to, the word is already out. Another fact of the Disney Netflix deal is that these characters aren’t officially allowed to appear elsewhere for the next 18 months or even 2 years.

Marvel Netflix Shows

This wasn’t confirmed at first, but The Punisher and Daredevil star Royce Johnson, who plays Detective Mahoney in the Netflix MCU recently talked to and confirmed this to be the case. Here’s what he said:

“I mean, talking to [Marvel TV president] Jeph Loeb, I read that the memo had said, ‘To be continued.’ There is a clause that I heard through rumor that we have to wait 18 months, up to two years. Will we get the same people? We don’t know that. I think they got together with a great team, I mean, with the writers, producers, editors, scorers, the stunt teams, everybody.”

These shows may be canceled as of now, but there’s a lot of positivity that surrounds these characters. They do have a loyal fan base and everyone intends to see more from them. The letter issued by Marvel TV President Jeph Loeb does indicate the fact that these shows will have a future.

Marvel Netflix Shows 

Here’s the letter he issued to the fans:

“It had never been done before.

Four separate television series, each with different super-talented showrunners, writers, directors, cast and crew, coming out months apart and then…

…they would meet in a single event series all set in the heart of New York City.

We called them The Defenders.

And together we were thrilled by stories of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and even the Punisher joined in!

They said it couldn’t be done.

But Marvel assembled amazing teams to write, produce, direct, edit, and score 13 seasons and 161 one-hour episodes.

Take a moment and go online and look at the dazzling list of actors, writers, directors, and musicians who graced us with the very best of their craft.

We loved each and every minute of it.

And we did it all for you — the fans — who cheered for us around the world and made all the hard work worth it. 

So, Thank You!

On behalf of everyone at Marvel Television, we couldn’t be more proud or more grateful to our audience.

Our Network partner may have decided they no longer want to continue telling the tales of these great characters… but you know Marvel better than that.

As Matthew Murdock’s Dad once said, “The measure of a man is not how he gets knocked to the mat, it’s how he gets back up.”

To be continued…!”

– Jeph Loeb and all of us at Marvel Television

Well, Marvel and Hulu recently signed a huge deal of Partnership. Hulu has also shown their interest in bringing these shows to their network as they obviously bring in a huge audience along with them. So there could be a future where Kevin Feige runs everything upon Disney+ and Jeph Loeb gets to bring these slashed characters to Hulu. With the Disney-Fox deal coming to a close, they can put out anything they want on Hulu since they will majorly own the network.

Also, 2 years is not that big of time since Disney will already stuff so much onto us that we wouldn’t feel the void for these shows. With the arrival of Disney+ we will be getting a Loki TV series, Lady Sif series, Vision and the Scarlet Witch & Falcon and the Winter Soldier, till 2020 itself. The Fox deal would also put many of the X-Men related shows in motion.

Marvel Netflix Shows

So, with so much content coming our way in the next 2 years, we can easily wait for the Netflix shows to be picked up by the likes of Hulu and be produced 2 years down the line. Although we don’t know who all could return by then. We can only hope for the best.