Greatest Star Wars Mystery Finally Revealed – Presenting Darth Vader’s FATHER!

The Force works in mysterious ways. It is what binds the entire galaxy together. It is also the reason the Dark Side users that are hell-bent on destroying it also exist. The Jedi are the keepers of the light side of the force and believe in the force’s constructive powers. The Sith are the harbingers of the dark side of the force and believe in the Force’s power to destroy. Both have been at each other’s throats ever since the concept of the Forcer graced the Galaxy. And when the Star Wars universe began with the first Star Wars movie, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, the Dark Side was winning. To provide the universe with some sort of balance, the Force created the Chosen One aka Anakin Skywalker, who was prophesized to be the one who will end the war and make the Light Side victorious.

Anakin went on to become Darth Vader but eventually was instrumental in destroying the Empire and the Sith Order. But his origins have always been shrouded in secrecy. He was said to be born of the Force. He had no father, just like Jesus. Or so we thought. A recent Star Wars comic book has finally given us concrete proof that there WAS indeed a biological father of Anakin Skywalker. Presenting – Greatest Star Wars Mystery finally revealed – Presenting Darth Vader’s FATHER!!!

This little surprise came into the eyes of the fans after the Darth Vader comic book came into the stores. The comic book is considered canon to the Star Wars Universe which means that whatever happens in the comic book arc is directly related to the movies. The comic book throws light on the subject of Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader’s conception. It seems like Darth Vader was not conceived naturally.

The comic book actually stresses on the fact that Darth Vader was instead ‘engineered’ rather than brought into this world via natural means. Believe it or not, this will have grave implications for the Star Wars Universe. Considering the fact that Star Wars is finally moving away from its established Skywalker legacy, this might be permanent and may never be retconned meaning this is probably how Lucas Film and Disney want Darth Vader’s legacy to be remembered as.

SPOILER ALERT: Major Spoilers for the Star Wars Comic book series “The Chosen One” up ahead. If you still have not read it yet and intend to in the near future, we suggest you look away…..

Anakin Skywalker’s Mother claimed that Anakin had no biological father

The Anakin Skywalker we know and love was born in a backwater slave planet that was just a redundant and wasteland of a world in the Star Wars Universe under the oppressive regime of the Empire. When Qui-Gon Jinn encountered a nameless slave toddler whos midichlorian concentration (the minute bacteria found in all living beings in the Star Wars Universe – the more midichlorians you have, the better your ability to manipulate the Force) was unlike anything he had ever seen, he was forced to ask the mother of the boy one simple question – Who was the father?

Anakin would soon go on to feature as the lead character and protagonist in six of the latter films. Shmi Skywalker, the name of Anakin’s mother in the Star Wars movies, stated:

“There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him, I can’t explain what happened.” 

A virgin birth – that is what she claimed. According to Shmi, Anakin was born out of nothing and ye he had the potential to become a God of the Force. This only meant one thing and it had been later corroborated in the latter movies. Anakin was born out of the Force and he has been sent to help the Jedi destroy the Sith and establish peace and harmony in the Galaxy.

Qui-Gon Jinn’s theory

Qui-Gon Jinn is many things but pessimistic he is not. When he saw the boy, his hopes for a bright future of the galaxy sky-rocketed! He believed that the boy was the prophesized Chosen One because the Force itself had brought him into this world. He believed that the Order of the Jedi would one day mould the child into becoming a great warrior of the force and he will one day go on to save the Galaxy.

How did he come up to this theory? Qui-Gon Jinn realized that the boy had the highest concentration of Midichlorians in the entire Galaxy. These are tiny microscopic beings that connect a life form to the Force and bind every living being together into one big nexus. The more midichlorians you had, the more sensitive you were to the Force and hence, the more powerful you could be as a manipulator and user of it.

While a part of his theory was indeed true, many are now of the opinion that since the Force is made up of the Light Side and the Dark Side, Anakin was a product of the machinations of the latter. This is exactly why Anakin became evil and turned to the persona of Darth Vader in the long run, because he was a product of evil and destruction. But somehow he managed to do what the Prophecy foretold he would. Both the light side and the dark side had a role to play in Anakin’s birth. This is where this nifty little theory comes in.

Brace yourselves. You will never look at the Star Wars Universe the same way again.

Anakin Skywalker’s father was…..the Emperor!!

That’s right!! The Emperor aka Darth Sidious, the Sith Master that ruled the Galactic Empire is the reason of Anakin Skywalker’s birth. Anakin was the result of the Force being manipulated by Sidious while the former was still in Shmi’s womb which led to a grotesque form of experimentation that resulted in such a high level of midichlorian concentration in Anakin when he came into this world. When Anakin learned of this story, he ensured that it was the truth and not some other mind manipulating scheme of the Emperor.

The comic book arc shows us the circumstances under which this truth came to light, confirming that it is indeed the truth and not another one of the Emperor’s plots. Darth Vader literally tears a hole between the realm of Life and the living force and turns himself into a Force Ghost to relive the most crucial moments of his life. He then witnesses something that he clearly wished he should not have. One instance of his life that Vader witnessed as a Force Ghost was Darth Sidious using Dark Force sorcery to seed the elements of the Dark Side on to his mother’s womb. This means that Darth Sidious, not the Force was responsible for Shmi’s unnatural conception of Anakin.

Final Conclusion – It was a Sith Lord that created Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one that was prophesized to lead the Jedi to victory against the Dark Side, and not the Force. Whatever we had been thinking about Darth Vader up until now had all been a big, white lie. Writer Charles Soule and Artists Giuseppe Camuncoli have been throwing one curveball after another in their currently on going Darth Vader comic book arc.

The same issue has a conversation between Count Dooku and his report to Palpatine about Qui-Gon Jinn’s discovery of Anakin Skywalker that you might find really interesting:

“Qui-Gon returned from Tatooine with a former slave boy. According to the boy’s mother, the boy had no father… Perhaps conceived by the Force. As Qui-Gon believes.”

Palpatine’s head snapped back… “Does this have something to do with the prophecy you spoke of?”

“Everything. Qui-Gon believes that the boy-Anakin is his name-stands at the center of a vergence in the Force, and believes further that his finding him was the will of the Force. Blood tests were apparently performed, and the boy’s concentration of midi-chlorians is unprecedented.”

“What is known about this Anakin?”

“Very little, except for the fact that he was born into slavery nine years ago and was, until recently, along with his mother, the property of Gardulla the Hutt, then a Toydarian junk dealer.” Dooku smirked. “Also that he won the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace.”

Palpatine had stopped listening.

Nine years old… Conceived by the Force… Is it possible…

The Last Star Wars movie to be released was Solo: A Star Wars Story. The official film synopsis of the movie reads:

Young Han Solo finds adventure when he joins forces with a gang of galactic smugglers and a 190-year-old Wookie named Chewbacca. Indebted to the gangster Dryden Vos, the crew devises a daring plan to travel to the mining planet Kessel to steal a batch of valuable coaxium. In need of a fast ship, Solo meets Lando Calrissian, the suave owner of the perfect vessel for the dangerous mission — the Millennium Falcon.