Jason Momoa Praises Marvel and RDJ’s Iron Man for Opening Door for More Superheroes

Yes, you’re reading it right the star man of the movie Aquaman has praised Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man in a recent interview. The fans are really liking Jason Momoa after this as we all know that this doesn’t happen too often when a DC star praises a Marvel star and vice versa.

But, this has happened and we all are glad to witness as the star of movie Aquaman, Jason Momoa who is getting a lot of great reviews for his portrayal of the character Arthur Curry aka. Aquaman has stated in a recent interview that it is none other than Iron Man who is the reason why new superheroes are coming.

Well, the heart of the matter is that Jason Momoa is the man who was having an interview with The Toronto Sun as part of his movie’s promotions and in that interview, there was one familiar question which has been asked by the interviewer as he talks about the reason why this Aquaman took all these years to come when we all know that plans of an Aquaman movie were in there for a very long time.

But, still, the movie couldn’t be able to make its way out of the pages. On this question, Jason Momoa stated his views quite clearly and also putting the rivalry of Marvel-DC aside as Momoa talks about the impact of one particular superhero who has been the reason for the rise of other superheroes rather than just the poster boys like Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and many as he stated that,

“The only thing about it now is, people want more,” Momoa explains all the things as he stated that. “They’ve heard those other stories, and there’s plenty more to tell, but they want new ones. When Batman v Superman came out and it introduced Wonder Woman, she came in and blew it open. I feel like Marvel, in its own right, has been blowing the door open with other new characters as well.

I mean look what Iron Man did. That was amazing. Who knew what the hell Iron Man did? I definitely didn’t. I feel like I knew more about Aquaman, and I barely knew anything about Aquaman over Iron Man (laughs). Robert Downey just came in and destroyed it. So there are all these beautiful, modern mythologies that people get inspired by and it’s nice to see something different.”


Well, we have to say, we agree with every single word Momoa has spoken from his mouth as it is really true that no one at the time of Iron Man’s release knew that the movie is going to introduce a journey of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) which is going to produce movies that will rule the hearts and minds of people.

Also, we have to say that both Aquaman and Iron Man were quite same back in time as Aquaman was treated as a funny superhero and as a joke. On the other side, Iron Man was also a B-list superhero before the release of the first Iron Man movie back in 2008. So, we can see that the fans weren’t aware of the characters at that time and were behind big superheroes.

Now, as we all know that time has changed and Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man’s level in the world of superheroes is also very big and a lot of credit goes to Marvel Studios for bringing the movie in front of the fans and introducing new superheroes and characters to the fans. On the other side, DC has also introduced their Aquaman man completely contrast to the image he has in Comics.

So, as we all know that Iron Man is the one who has opened the gates for other superheroes and seeing Aquaman giving credits to the man who deserves it is a thing we should praise him for because in today’s world where opponents have become enemies. It’s really rare to see things which Aquaman has done here.

So, are you impressed by Jason Momoa’s comments about Iron Man and also by his latest movie Aquaman? Tell us in the comments section below.