Avengers 4 Trailer Description & Title Leaks Online and it Seems Legit

Avengers 4 Trailer:

The first trailer for Avengers 4 is still more than a month away. Assuming that Marvel will follow the same pattern that they did with Avengers: Infinity War, the trailer should come out in the first week of December. But an anonymous source has given a description for the first trailer. He/she does not want to give his name for obvious reasons, but the description that he has formulated seems pretty legit.

So from here on out, potential Spoilers ahead. If you don’t want to find out what happens in the first trailer of Avengers 4 before it comes out, then you have the choice to leave right now!

The trailer begins from the point where Avengers: Infinity War left us, i.e. on the planet (presumably Titan from the past) where we last saw farmer Thanos looking at the sunset. It then gives us the much-anticipated reunion of Cap and Tony. Here’s how the description goes:  

“The trailer starts off showing the damaged Infinity Gauntlet in a field on the farm planet. As the camera focuses in on the Gauntlet, we hear Tony’s voice: “We were destined to lose.” Epic music score starts, the Quinjet is shown landing in a Wakandan wasteland as we hear Steve Rogers say: “We have come so far.” Tony and Nebula step off the jet as the remaining Avengers approach. Steve has a look of relief and says: “Tony”. Tony, seemingly defeated, shakes his head and gives a friendly smirk back to Cap. Marvel Studios Logo appears.”

Something that doesn’t make sense here is Tony and Nebula stepping out of a Quinjet. Their only option out of Titan was the Milano. So, perhaps they arrive on Earth in that and then us a Quinjet after finding out where everyone is. Then the trailer dives into the flashback sequences of the first Avengers movie hinting time travel. It also reveals other massive details along with the first real hint at Hawkeye’s story arc:

“We get a glimpse of the Battle of New York from 2012 Avengers. Loki is shown looking shocked and baffled as he is on top of the Stark tower. There is a flash of a blue light as the camera pans back. (Cuts to black) Next we see the Wakandan throne with M’Baku at the helm. He’s surrounded by his new kingsguard. (A mix of the hill tribe and Dora Milaje). Shuri and Banner are seen working on a new project in the lab. Black Widow, in full gear, is in Hawkeye’s family home from Age of Ultron.  Basically everything is thrown all over the place and broken. Nat is studying some type of map with multiple photos and locations on it. A quick shot of Thanos is shown with a long sword, walking down an alleyway in New York City.  The next shot is a dark hooded figure with glowing eyes, aiming a bow and arrow before shooting towards the camera.”

Just imagine Thanos’ walk to be similar to the entry of Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian in Avengers: Infinity War. That itself will give you Goosebumps! The trailer then brings in Valkyrie to team up with Thor again. Tony is brought forward as the new leader of SHIELD as rumoured and the BARF tech is possibly teased along with the new suit of Hulk.

“(1-2 visuals of the Quantum Realm) Scott Lang (no suit) is shown running through a park dodging explosions. (Shot of Space) Thor and Valkyrie are aboard a Kree ship. Thor says: “If the stories are true, you’re our universe’s last hope. If such a thing even exists anymore”. The next shot is an older, determined Tony Stark walking through the new SHIELD HQ’s (Avengers Facility in upstate New York). He’s in full SHIELD attire and carrying an orange briefcase. Banner (wearing spandex) is seen running from something, looking terrified. The next shot is Ant-Man appearing out of a flash of light and landing in a desolate place. We see it from his point of view from inside his helmet. He looks left to right and to his left again and says: “What in the-”.”

The trailer then teases another encounter between Hulk and Thanos, and it also brings in the much anticipated alter ego of Hawkeye as Ronin. Also, Doctor Strange makes his way even past his death:

“(Camera focuses on Vormir and its stars) Next, a shot of Rocket and Nebula modifying some new weapons in the lab. Rocket says “When can we try this bad boy out?” They both smile at each other and fist-bump. We get our first glimpse of Iron Man in his red and gold nanotech armor. Hulk falls from the sky and lands in front of him. Thanos, in full armor, smiles. Hulk smiles back. The next shot is in Japan. War Machine, Nat, and Steve (in their full Avengers gear) are surrounded by The Yakuza. Hawkeye (Ronin) walks through everybody from behind them and approaches the Avengers. There’s an intense exchange of looks between Clint and Natasha (Next shot is at the Sanctum) Wong is communicating with Dr. Strange’s soul via portal. (Cuts to black) Grey haired Tony Stark and Ant-Man are in a post-apocalyptic NYC. The screen flashes back and forth multiple times through multiple scenes.”

So much has already been teased and then the trailer really picks up some pace as it brings in Captain Marvel, Tony and Steve’s re-bonding moment and then it gives us the first reveal of the major time travel event that Avengers 4 is going to be. It ends with a threatening smile from Thanos and then the big title reveal comes in:

“We see Captain Marvel floating with her fists on fire and her eyes lit up. Thanos in the soul stone with young Gamora screaming at him, Loki and Thor fighting off Chitauri together. And Tony handing Steve a brand new shield in the Wakandan throne room. (Cuts back to Tony and Scott) Tony opens the orange briefcase as Scott hands him an illuminated bracelet. Tony asks: “How?… Is this even possible?” (Iron Man and Ant-Man are shown travelling through the Quantum Realm. Tony and Scott are back in the battle of New York from 2012. The final shot before the title reveal is an Infinity Stone disappearing from Thanos’ damaged gauntlet. He abruptly gets up and puts on his armor. His face goes from extremely infuriated to a menacing smile.

Title reveal:

Avengers: Annihilation”

Right after the title, we get a final quippy moment that teases Professor Hulk who is in his prime ready for his next face off against the Mad Titan!


The Hulk is training at the new SHIELD facility with Black Widow and Steve. Steve notices that Hulk has been training non-stop as of late, so he asks why. Hulk responds in Banner’s normal voice with: “My rematch is coming real soon, I can feel it!”

Well, the very last moment could give away the fact that this just might be too good to be true! The person who has formulated this description seems to have spent a lot of time on the news and picked all bits and pieces which have been rumoured including the title. It is an epic description without a doubt, but the fact that it does not deny any major rumour out there makes it look pretty fishy. It could work as it has taken into account the set leaks and almost every news article out there, but let’s see what happens.

I personally don’t want this to be the actual trailer just because of the fact that I have read it. I want to watch the trailer as a fan just like everyone else. So, if this description is not legit (which I am hoping for), then it would be interesting to see what all aspects of the film, has this person got right!