Avengers: Infinity War Writers Reveal The Other Characters They Tried To Add In MCU

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become a giant powerhouse full of strange diversified characters that we have all loved reading about in the past (and present), and now enjoy watching them in live-action on the big screen. Avengers: Infinity War, in particular, has been the biggest movie of the MCU and the movie brought in close to 70 characters at once, and still the screenwriters of the movie, Stephen McFeely, and Christopher Markus wanted to put in others as well.

Avengers: Infinity War

The screenwriters have got so many characters to play within their run with the MCU and particularly in Avengers: Infinity War and Civil War. By now the world knows that they are perfect at juggling these characters and no one else could do it better than them. Still, the fans and the writers themselves feel that there is always room for more in a Universe that is ever evolving and growing so rapidly with an unstoppable force. Just imagine that in these last 10 years we have seen so many Super beings make their way in, so many villains threaten the entire worlds, and still we want more. In the coming years, this number is going to get even bigger and people are still going to love these movies.

Avengers: Infinity War screenwriters recently appeared in a Q&A on Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin’s most recent episode of ‘Fat-Man on Batman’ and there they revealed the character they really love and have tried to put into the MCU, but still haven’t been able to do so till now. Here’s what the two said:

“Markus – There are characters who I love who I’m sure someone else will get a hold of and do great things with. We’ve never tried to put them in.”

McFeely – But we get to put them in. Like we get to put Zola in two movies ya know?”

Markus – I’ve wanted to put M.O.D.O.K. in, and it’s very hard to go ‘here’s the supporting character the giant head’.’ And then we’re going to get on with the story. We just came to him for information. Like you kind of have to design the whole movie around the guy with the giant head. I have love for M.O.D.O.K. and I still think properly done he’d be terrifying. Like you look all the way down the hall and like this huge head comes around the corner and starts coming and…oh, it would be awesome.”

Well, the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing is a very complex villain who could do amazingly well on the big screen and there is not a time far enough in the future where we actually get to see him done in the MCU. As hinted by Markus, this villain could go to great lengths if done right and he would work amazingly well visually, giving the audiences something very different and unique to look at. The set of powers that this villain possesses is a whole new story altogether.

Well, other than M.O.D.O.K, there are many other heroes and villains that could do really well in the MCU and with the upcoming Disney-Fox merger, there are obviously more characters coming in being available for Marvel to use. It would be really interesting to see how the MCU incorporates the Mutants into the MCU having never mentioned anything about them. Plus 3 big characters from the Fantastic Four Universe, other than those 4 heroes could have a great place in the MCU. Yes, I am talking about Doctor Doom, Silver Surfer, and Galactus.

All these characters haven’t done justice to till now, and MCU is known for using most of their characters really well, so the future for Marvel is really bright. Here’s what Feige said about these Fox characters in the MCU:

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“The truth? I really haven’t given it anymore thought than I did in my normal daydreaming over the last ten years. Until it’s done and until we are told, ‘Okay, proceed,’ we have enough storylines and characters and expectations to try and meet, or exceed, without thinking about that. I mean, I don’t know about the future. I know about the past because we already did it and that’s certainly how I felt about Spider-Man. And I still pinch myself that that was able to happen.”

Let’s hope that Marvel continues to make good movies like they have been making till now.   

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