Here’s How Thanos’ Origins Will Affect the Outcome of Infinity War!

Avengers Infinity War is perhaps the most highly anticipated movie of the comic book genre of all time. The culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is perhaps one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken by a film-making studio. In part what makes Infinity War so hype-worthy is its villain, the Mad Titan Thanos. He is one of the most terrifying cosmic super-villain that is unstoppable for the likes of Avengers and Guardians.

The ruler of the dark quadrant is coming for the infinity gems, two (possibly three if you count the soul stone)of which exist on earth. This is the premise of this movie, that the Mad Titan descended from the externals is after these singularities and he is unstoppable. The power of Thanos is no joke and Avengers are just a minor inconvenience in front of the titan’s might. So the question stands, who is this creature known as the Mad Titan and where does he come from?

Thanos was a part of the race that the Celestials created. The near-perfect genetic beings known as the Eternals are the ancestors of Thanos and the celestials are his creator. He is a hybrid among his own kind and it is seldom the case that the strength of the Mad Titan is challenged by any other being. His limitless fortitude is the source of dismay that his opponents often experience.

How do you strategize when your opponent is the mightiest being in the known Universe. Of course, there are cosmic entities stronger than Thanos when you consider creatures like Galactus and the Living Tribunal, however, when Thanos aims for the infinity stones and comes for your head there is not much that you can do to stop him.

The history is often shifted and reshuffled as the writers please, that is the reason that every comic book continuity sticks to the idea of multiverses. It gives the writers and artists to re-imagine characters as they see fit. The writers of comic books change over time as the publishers shift them from project to project and it often happens that a new writer or the studio itself retcons the entire premise on which the story stood just a moment before.

This is the real reason why publishers prefer multiverses, they want to provide their creators with artistic freedom to create the most magnificent story as they see fit. This is the reason that we see the mention of multiverses every time a new rumor surfaces about the plot of Infinity War. You see, the Marvel Cinematic Universe differentiates in its basic composition from the Marvel comic verse,  but that does not mean that we will not see history repeat itself.

“But what about the paradoxes .”

“Resolve themselves out by and large”

-Matt Smith as the twelfth Doctor


Let’s start the analysis by a comic history lesson. In the Marvel comics, it is stated that before anything else existed there was the eternity. The cosmic entity that encompassed everything in creation. Eternity was a sole being who was to revel in his solitude. But eternity itself suffered from loneliness as all sentient beings do.

It is not clear when, but sometime during the creation of the Universe, cosmic beings also known as the Celestials showed up. The Celestials were the primary beings in the Universe, known as the supreme and unchallenged cosmic beings with unlimited and omnipotent cosmic powers. They are sometimes also known as “Space Gods”. Their presence in the Universe dictated that they take the role of creators and elders and not just passive life. So that is exactly what the Celestials did in the Marvel comics.

In conjunction with eternity, the Celestials created worlds and populated them with life, with beings and creatures the likes of which had never been seen before. They mounded the earth from the debris flowing around in the Universe and then blessed it with Terran life created in their own image. The Celestials included beings like Ego, The Grandmaster, and The Collector. All the elders of the Universe, with absolute power, shaping how life will come to be.

But the celestials wanted to assess their own work, they had simply gone overboard with the creation of life. To the point, that they had flooded the Universe chock full of beings it had no use for. So the celestials undertook the task that would soon lead to the creation of the Mad Titan Thanos.

In the comic, once the Celestials had decided that they wanted to test the life they had created themselves. They wanted to see that the sentience endowed upon the life of the Universe was worth their efforts and whether the beings who possessed such sentience and intelligence had the correct direction to sustain such life. But every experiment first step is to analyze all variables.

So when trying to make the earth judgment worthy the celestials altered the current human life and created two separate races from the human beings. The first was a deformed version of humans, these creatures were the ones who retreated to the earth below in the old ages and continued to dwell in their subterranean state. The Morden era is chock full of myths of trolls and vampires and other ungodly creature. Well, it is largely believed that it is the second subterranean race of creatures created by the celestials who reside in urban legends.

The second race that the Celestials created from within the human civilization was of the Eternals. These were perfect genetic creatures with high intelligence, strength and near perfect physical attributes blessed with longevity as compared to average humans. The idea behind the celestials actions was to make sure that they had set up enough benchmarks and collected enough data before they could plan to judge a whole planet of beings.

Though noble, as their intentions were, the Celestials were severely misguided. You see, when they created the eternals the celestials never stopped to think how such beings would react to be clubbed together on a planet chock full of inferior creatures.

What happened was that the growing discontent in the midst of the Eternals caused the bulk of their population to leave earth and establish their colony on the moon of Saturn known as Titan. If that rings a bell, then the subsequent paragraph might just the most amazing comic fact you’ve ever read. Tread carefully.

As the Eternals evolved over time, they used their high intelligence to create a perfect world. One day a child was born to the Eternals who had purple skin, the child was finally named Thanos, a distortion of the name of Thanatos, the Greek God assigned to Gatekeep the Doors of death.

A fitting name as Thanos always aspires to be the right hand of death. A hybrid among his own people and infatuated with the personification of death Thanos has begun his hostile takeover of the Universe by first taking over Titan

A lesson in comic history is all good and well but the question stands that how does the origin of Thanos affect the current scenario in the upcoming Infinity War movie. Well you see, the fandom likes comic accuracy and the writers also like to keep the larger narrative in check while fleshing out these movies.

Of course, that has always been the purpose of creating a shared Universe with multiple story arcs and simultaneous character adventures. However, if comic accuracy was to be maintained in this car it would be interesting to see what role the Grandmaster and The Collector play in defeating Thanos.

Since they are technically celestials living in the Universe they must still have some powers other than their immortality and it indirectly their mistake that this war even exists. It may not be so black and white but one thing is made clear by this comic history. The very carefully fact that Peter Quill’s is a direct descendant of a celestial makes him a crucial piece on the chess board that is Infinity War and Avengers 4.

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