How Endgame Damaged The Reputation Of Avengers? Explained

Avengers: Endgame saw all the active heroes in the MCU unite to undo Thanos’ snap in Infinity War. They successfully planned and executed the Time Heist and eliminated Thanos for good. Plus, they brought back every single being that Thanos killed by snapping. But did you know that somewhere along the way, Endgame damaged the reputation of Avengers? And the worse part is that many of those Avengers don’t even realize it.

‘Avengers: Endgame’ will, no doubt, go down in history as one of the most ambitious superhero movies of all time. The movie was the perfect culmination of everything that the Studios had been building up to that point. And by the end of that movie, we saw some heroes fulfill their destiny, while some got their happy endings. It even set up some characters for the future. Avengers saving the people of the Earth and the Universe, so you might think that this would have reinstated their reputation. But nobody noticed that even if they saved billions of lives, it still ruined their reputation. And maybe, at this point, there’s no return.



Reputation of Avengers

The damage their reputation suffered started early in the MCU. When they assembled for the first time during the Battle of NY, they may have saved the planet from an alien invasion. And the whole world may have lauded them, but the loved ones of the people who died under the debris of the city did not look at it this way. After all, Avengers could have stopped the battle from happening if they had united before. Plus, the general public needs someone to blame.


Then, Avengers dropped the ball again in 2014’s Age of Ultron. Starting with creating an AI with destructive nature, Ultron, to laying waste to the entire country of Sokovia. Sokovia was a moderately populated country, and as hard as Avengers tried, they couldn’t save everyone. Even when SHIELD helped them, they could not save everyone. And since Avengers were the ones who created Ultron, they had to be the bearer of the blame. We even see what some Sokovians think of the Avengers when a dead kid’s mother confronts Tony. Not long after, we again see the damage from the Avengers’ hands when Wanda allows the bomb to explode mid-air. This incident caused the death of 26 innocents which led to the Sokovia Accords & the Avengers disbanding.


At this point, the Avengers’ reputation was bad enough. So you’d think that the writers would want to restore people’s faith in them with their last outing. But they did something that worsened it, with no scope of ever returning. Infinity War saw Thanos use the Avengers’ separation to his advantage by going after them one by one. As expected, he was finally successful in killing half the beings of the entire universe.


But, as unexpected as it might seem, while many worlds were on the verge of falling, Earth was thriving. The nations had united, and they were working towards a world with no empty stomachs. everything was good until the Avengers undid the snap. MCU explained this in-depth with The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. It explained how the un-snap brought disbalance to a world that had recently managed to cope. It worsened people’s state of mind.


Then, in Disney+’s Hawkeye, they demonstrated once again how people wanted the snap to be permanent. The Thanos was Right campaign was one example. And Arli Morgenthau’s Flag-Smashers were another. After this, one thing was clear, the people’s perception of the Avengers didn’t improve when they brought back everyone. They were no longer everyone’s hero.


And the worse part now is that now that the original Avengers are gone forever, for now, the Avengers may not have any chance of redemption. Kevin Feige has been teasing that there might not be any Avengers movie ahead, so there is a chance it is because of this. And the absence of Avengers might finally give the chance to the darker heroes and the younger ones. Still, it hurts to know that the Avengers we love are no longer loved in their universe.


So what are your thoughts about the reputation of Avengers? Comment down your answers.

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