Thanos’ Reason To Destroy Earth is Much Better Than the Films

Thanos is a character that has been given a lot of depth in comparison to most other villains in the franchise. Over the years, various villains have appeared in the MCU and done their part but hardly anyone was able to make a strong impact. The MCU was able to establish the character of Thanos in a much better manner than we might have expected to see. Thanos has a massive history in the comics too as this was explored various times during the narrative of the character in the comics. But one thing that fans still fuss over is Thanos’ reason to Destroy Earth. According to a recent comic issue, Thanos has a much better reason than the Infinity Saga.


Even though the Marvel Cinematic Universe dedicated a movie to the character of Thanos, there is a lot left to explore for the character. Ever since his appearance in the MCU fans has been trying to link his arc from the comics to the character. This has actually helped us understand the relationship he shares with Gamora since a lot of that is in the Marvel comics. But at the same time, there are certain new elements that have given us a clearer idea regarding his goals for Earth.


In Infinity War, we saw that Thanos planned to kill half the population in the universe in order to bring a balance. His explanation for this was associated with his experience in the planet Titan where he saw the planet destroy due to overpopulation. He didn’t want the universe to suffer in this manner and it actually did seem like a sensible plan. But his means to achieve this plan was actually a lot more brutal and thus he became the enemy of the Avengers. But it seems that there is much better reasoning for his actions.


Thanos’ Reason To Destroy Earth

In the previous issues of the Eternals, from Kieron Gillen and Esad Ribić, things take a much more interesting turn than we might have expected for the set of heroes. Here we saw that the Eternals took help from the Deviants in order to find means to change for the better. But this required them to actually leave Olympia and this paved the way for someone else to join in their absence in the most recent Uni-Mind. Thanos entered himself and ended up getting chosen over Zuras making him the new Prime Eternal.


According to the synopsis,

Our Eternals have discovered that every time an Eternal is resurrected, a human dies. This is upsetting for them. They have abandoned mainstream Eternal society and moved to Lemuria, city of the Deviants, to see if they can change.

This plan was going fine at first, until Thanos attacked the city and killed a large number of Deviants to kidnap Phastos.

Now, in order to rescue Phastos and kill Thanos, our Eternals will need to commune with one of their gods, the Celestials. And the only Celestial on Earth is a corpse occupied by some of Earth’s mightiest heroes…


Eternals #10 sees Druig betraying his people and becoming Thanos’ right-hand man. Thanos ends up discovering some interesting information about himself when Druig tells him that his father and mother, A’Lars and Sui San are still alive. But they had been imprisoned by the Eternals. Thanos decides to go ahead and kill them and it goes into a cycle of repeated attempts as each time they end up getting resurrected due to the Eternals’ Great Machine. So Thanos decides to kill an Eternal and this is when Druig ends up giving him a solution that will clearly mean the doom for Earth.


Thanos’ Reason To Destroy Earth

Thanos becoming the Prime Eternal puts him in a greater position than he could have ever been and it would make destroying Earth a lot easier. This reasoning for destroying Earth is a lot more personal and it actually makes Thanos a lot more driven than he was in the MCU. Since the Eternals have managed to keep Thanos’ new status a secret it only makes his plans a lot more chance to actually happen.

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