Tom Hardy Spat on Armie Hammer During His Mad Max Audition?

Mad Max Fury Road was an amazing movie. Charlize Theoran gave us one of her best performances to date as Furiosa. Still, the entire movie hinged on the actions of the titular Max as played by Tom Hardy. There were rumors surrounding the audition process for this character. Someone had mentioned before that Armie Hammer was also considered for the role. But now there is a rumor that Tom Hardy spat on Arnie Hammer during the audition process of the movie to get the role. With the new book Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road coming out soon, we have new information about this incident. Let’s take a look…

Tom Hardy Spat On Armie Hammer

Apparently, the book contains a reference to this incident according to people over at Vulture. The site reports this extract from the book, “Near the end of the process, Hardy emerged as a front-runner alongside Jeremy Renner and Armie Hammer. Hardy and Hammer even read together as part of their audition, and when Hardy gnashed his teeth and spat at his scene partner, Hammer told Miller that Hardy needed to be Max more than he did.” It seems that there were three actors in the final running and it was Tom’s tenacity and animalistic instincts that put him on top.


The actor must have displayed some crazy acting skills for competitor Armie Hammer to admit defeat in such away. It seems that Hardy’s commitment to the role was much higher than both Renner and Hammer’s. This seemed to have turned out better for both the studio and the movie. The film benefitted from having Hardy in the movie, as his performance was stellar. Moreover, not having Armie in the film helped the studio avoid the recent debacles with his PR scandals last year. It would have been difficult for the studio to use the actor in the future if he did play Max.


Tom Hardy spat on Armie Hammer

But it seems things have worked out quite well for the franchise. Furiosa is in production now and we hope it doesn’t die in production hell as Fury Road did for almost a decade. Let us know what you think about this incident from the book down in the comments and keep watching this space for everything Marvel, DC, and Hollywood. Excelsior!!!

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