If You’re Fans Of Squid Game Then You Should Watch These 10 Movies Too

Squid Game is one of the most recent successful shows that Netflix has been able to produce that is quite trending based on the audience’s response. It has become harder and harder to find people who haven’t seen the series with the excitement it invokes from the very first episode. One of the major reasons why the show saw such a response is definitely associated with the fact that it finds surprising new means to kill off characters. There have been countless TikToks and memes based around the series and this clearly indicates that the series has acquired a massive fanbase. This seems like the right time for suggestions based on the concept of movies that the fans of Squid Game could watch.

As The Gods Will

This 2014 movie is based on a manga series of the same name. It is a Japanese horror movie by popular director Takashi Miike who is known for his absolutely bizarre narrative. The movie explores the narrative of a video game-obsessed student who finds himself stuck in playing games at school with major consequences. All this must sound somewhat similar to Squid Game and this similarity continues to the fact that the games involved in this challenge are “Statues” or “Red Light, Green Light”. This is quite an interesting movie that the fans of the show should give a watch.



This movie is an American sci-fi story that sees fifty strangers who wake up one fine day to discover themselves in a circle in a dark room. The only source of light in the movie is the red circles that the individuals are standing on.  But the challenge here is heightened by the fact that anyone who tries to move from their spot will be killed and at the same time someone will be killed anyway every two minutes. The characters gather together in order to make sure that they survive and the debate amongst them is often similar to 1957’s 12 Angry Men.


Battle Royale

Fans of Squid Game

Battle Royale is one of the most popular movies in the narrative where the characters are put in challenging circumstances. This was also one of the major inspirations for the Hunger Games. The movie was based on the 1999 novel written by Koushun Takami. It definitely exceeds the expectation of the audience with the fact that the movie shows quite a large amount of gore and violence. The narrative of the story takes place because the government passes a “BR ACT” in an attempt to combat juvenile delinquency following a national recession. Takeshi Kitano plays a teacher overlooking this entire event in one of the most excellent of his performances.


The Purge

The Purge has been able to establish itself as one of the most interesting franchises that do not seem to be stopping considering there was also a spin-off series. It follows the narrative of a family that intends to survive the annual Purge which is a night when the government allows all sorts of criminal activities to be conducted including murder. The movie features some of the most brilliant performances along with the fact that the performances can often be quite chilling. Fans of Squid Game can use this narrative as people who are forced to be in a circumstance where their life might be in danger.



Cube has acquired quite the massive fan base over the years considering it was one of its own kinda movies with a narrative that had not been explored previously. The narrative follows five strangers who are awakened in a metal room that resembles a cube and with the help of someone amongst them who knows about this place they try to navigate and find a way out of this place. It doesn’t actually take a long time for the individual participants to realize that this facility has various complications and as a whole, it involves a lot of rooms, each of which resembles a cube. This is one of the most interesting independent films that surely deserves the cult following it has acquired and makes for a terrifying watch.



Nerve takes the narrative of challenges and brings it to a whole new level as it is almost entirely similar to the Squid Game except for the fact that each challenge is provided to the characters personally and these challenges could be quite thrilling and dangerous. People who are trying to participate can take two options, either play or watch. This is actually quite similar to the popular game truth and dare. The movie is definitely a much more futuristic look at the concept of the Squid Game.


The Tournament

Fans of Squid Game

The Tournament is a rather action-filled British movie that features an exciting cast of characters. Here we see an event that takes place every seven to ten years that acts as a form of entertainment for the audience and at the same time for betting purposes. The prize for winning the game is $10 million and that only increases the ruthlessness of the challenges faced by the individual characters. Another interesting aspect that it explores is the fact that it also addresses the people who host these games and proper revenge is taken from them around the end of the film.


The Running Man

The Running Man definitely isn’t one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s popular movies and belongs to the period where he was doing certain interesting sci-fi movies. It is based on the book by Stephen King that was released under his pseudonym Richard Bachman. Here we see Ben Richards, played by Schwarzenegger, being persuaded to play the titular game show that is being broadcasted to an audience of millions by the maniacal creator. The movie is actually a rather interesting watch and it addresses how reality shows could work out in the future and what sort of entertainment people would love to see.


The Condemned

The Condemned is not much different from the narrative of Battle Royale except for the fact that the characters who are stuck on the island are ex-convicts. Produced by WWE Films the movie is quite cheesy and depends more on its action than any other element to depict the story. It could be treated as a one-time watch with some rather hilarious moments and some quite over-the-top action sequences. The story is quite simple and makes for a fun watch that the audience can enjoy.


Escape Room

The latest addition to the concept of survival movies Escape Room follows six people coming together to take part in an escape room with an amount of $10,000 as a reward. Something that is rather interesting in the movie has to be the fact that there are times when the narrative actually sees the characters on the edge as they try to escape each and every challenge. Something that connects each character is the fact that they had all escaped death in some way or another.

In my opinion, all fans of Squid Game should watch these movies.

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