20 Funniest Sharon Carter Is The Power Broker Memes

Sharon Carter’s future in the MCU will be pretty big as she has managed to keep herself distant from the Power Broker in the public eye. And at the same time, we’ll see her sell prototype weapons and other government secrets to the highest bidders. Here are some of the funniest Sharon Carter is the Power Broker memes that will make you laugh hard:

1. LOL!!

2. Peggy Carter Be Like!!

3. Oh Yeah!!

4. Wait, What!!

5. It’s All About Ulterior Motive!!

6. No!!

7. Oops!!

8. Haha!!

9. Oh Shit!!

10. Being Evil Is The New Black!!

11. Oh No!!

12. Hehe!!

13. Wow!!

14. Oh Steve!!

15. Awkward!!

16. Lie Back Down!!

17. LMAO!!

18. Oof Timelines!!

19. Best One!!

20. Who Do You Prefer!!