20 Moments of Robert Downey Jr. Which Will Prove He Is Tony Stark In Real Life

Robert Downey Jr. has become the biggest star in Hollywood now, and he is not just ruling the Box Office, but he is also the ruler of our hearts. Fans love everything about him, his attitude, his acting, his style, just everything. So here we bring you some of the awesome moments when Robert Downey Jr. Proves he is Tony Stark in real life:

1. Iron Man Look-Alike Competition!!

2. Most Accurate!!

3. LOL!

4. Haha!!

5. It’s All Tony Stark!!

6. Very RDJ!!

7. Oh Yes!!

8. Cute!!

9. Perfect!!

10. LMAO!!

11. No Difference At All!!

12. Hehe!!

13. We Are Totally Glad!!

14. Things Just Go Missing!!

15. He Is Everything!!

16. Always Works!!

17. Exact!!

18. Downey It Is!!

19. Totally!!

20. Haha!!