WandaVision Star Teyonah Parris Reveals What Happened to Monica Rambeau

What Happened to Monica Rambeau?

Even before WandaVision premiered on January 15, 2021, fans were excited to see what kind of role would Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau would have in the said show. And throughout the first five episodes, we have seen Monica Rambeau be a prominent part of WandaVision and her developing relationship with Wanda. Ever since she was thrown out of Westview by Wanda, Monica has been at her best to try and help Wanda and Vision both. In her latest attempt at entering Westview, Monica somehow manages to endure the Hex, and pass through. As soon as she re-enters Westview, we witness the birth of a new superhero as the Hex, as been said, altered her DNA and Rambeau now has superpowers.

Three trips into Wanda Maximoff’s anomaly and Monica is officially on her way to becoming a full-blown superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, realizing her comic book destiny of being heroes known as Spectrum or Photon. Teyonah Parris has finally expressed her thoughts on this important superhero transformation. “I was like, ‘What’s that? What happens? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh,’” Parris explained to Marvel.com. She was shown concept art of the moment where Monica emerged from the Westview border for the third time, as seen in WandaVision Episode 7.

“I saw magical rays, and glimmers, and stuff on the storyboards…and it was my face! And I’m like, ‘How did they do this already?’”

Teyonah continues to tell us about her character portrayal.

“When I sat down and talked to (WandaVision team)they explained it to me that through Monica’s compassion, through her empathy, and willingness to put her own body on the line, she sacrifices her own self for what she believes is the greater good [to go back to Westview],” Parris recalls.

“And that happens by passing through this energy field too many times, essentially.”

(WandaVision Team), they explained it to me that through Monica’s compassion, through her empathy, and willingness to put her own body on the line, she sacrifices her own self for what she believes is the greater good [to go back to Westview],” Parris recalls.

“And that happens by passing through this energy field too many times, essentially.”

Monica also says something that must make Deadpool proud. Yes, it’s about the superhero landing.

“Originally, I was supposed to get thrown to the ground,” Parris continued.

“And then we kind of came up with the idea of, well, what if Monica is able to now kind of harness the powers a little bit? And so we landed on that landing. That was the first moment where I really got to feel like, ‘ooh, a Super Hero.’”

The first we saw of Monica Rambeau was in Captain Marvel, as an 11-years-old girl, who is close to Carol Danvers, and her mother, Maria Rambeau of course. Fast-forward to WandaVision, Maria has passed away. The grief of losing her mother is all part of what excites Parris, as the complexity of Monica is beginning to shine through.

“[Director] Matt [Shakman] guided me through [the scene],” Parris continued.

“He had in his mind how it would all mesh together. I just tried to imagine the grief and the heaviness of Monica losing her mom and not being there, and the heaviness of the guilt. And then essentially at the end, wanting to make her proud, wanting to show [Maria Rambeau] that I will move forward.”

Monica continues,

“And a part of it also almost felt like, when you don’t cry, when you don’t stop to grieve and then finally somebody says one thing and all of a sudden, it’s just, ‘ah.’ That was Monica’s actual physical moment to grieve and to just scream and let it out, whereas before she’s been trying to get through it by helping Wanda, by throwing herself into work. But in this one moment here, she got to really sit in her grief and move through it physically. We saw the physical manifestation of Monica moving through her grief.”

After WandaVision, Parris joins Larson and Ms. Marvel star Man Vellani as a part of a superhero trio in Captain Marvel 2. Monica’s “Aunt Carol” — Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), the cosmic superhero called Captain Marvel — became one of the most powerful beings in the universe when an alien weapon exposed her to the cosmic energy of the Tesseract, one of the six Infinity Stones.

Captain Marvel 2 will hit the theatres on November 11. 2022, and WandaVision is currently streaming on Disney+, with two episodes to go, while every new episode airs each Friday.