20 Times Robert Pattinson Trolled Twilight Which Shows How Much He Hates It

Ever since the news of Robert Pattinson becoming the new Caped Crusader came up, fans were divided (just like every time). But after the arrival of the teaser, things are looking quite promising. But remember the time when Robert Pattinson played the role of Edward Cullen in The Twilight movies. fans loved him but he himself can’t stand those movies. There is no one who hates Twilight more than he does. And here we brought you some of the incidents which will prove how much he hated it:

1. LOL!!

2. He Hated It!!

3. Could Have Been Better!!

4. This Is True!!

5. Absolutely!!!

6. For Them!!

7. His Dignity!!

8. Super Nightmare!!

9. His face!!

10. It’s So Much Horrible!!

11. Stopped Mentally Progressing!!

12. Never!!

13. So Hate!!

14. LMAO!!

15. He Looks So Frustrated!!

16. True Hufflepuff!!

17. His Reaction!!

18. It Seems Like He Actually Lost Interest!!

19. Haha!!

20.  Creepy Baby!!