WandaVision: The Mystery of Hexagons Explained

WandaVision is a television series being made around a lot of mystery. Ever since Disney+ aired the first episode of the WandaVision arc, fans have been keeping a keen lookout on any kind of riddle that may be hidden in the story. Be it a play of words or a gesture of hands every detail is being carefully studied and dissected to gain a deeper understanding of the WandaVision arc. The story in general view is revolving around the main character, Wanda Maximoff, and how she would have wanted to live her life after the events of Endgame if all were to go well. But apparently, all did not go well for her as she lost both her twin brother and her lover’s vision during the epilogues of the Avenger series.

But we see the return of her lover (Vision) in this sitcom which is based in Westview. One of the biggest mysteries was the use of the Hexagon shape, which in the 1st episode was used to close in Wanda and Vision in the credit’s scene. It is also the shape of the framed alternate reality bubble that has been cast around the Westview county, which is keeping the outside world away from Wanda’s conjured reality inside the Hexagonal dome.

Mystery of hexagons WandaVision

Now, with this mystery fact, countless Marvel Cinematic Universe fans and enthusiasts tried to extract countless facts from the Marvel comics to find the missing link between Wanda and the hexagonal shape. Many speculated that it was the resurgence of A.I.M (Advanced Idea Mechanics) who were the villainous organization from Iron Man 3. Some fans even speculated this to be the work of Marvel’s devil, Mephisto with the hexagon surrounding the Westview being called the devil’s circle in co-relation to the Bermuda triangle. But the truth is very different from all the speculations being made about the hexagonal shape.

In the latest episode of WandaVision where the broadcast of the WandaVision is abruptly interrupted into a scene to the real world just outside of Westview, which is an area being taken under jurisdiction by S.W.O.R.D and its agents. In the scene, it is shown that the time Jimmy Woo started looking for the answers to the multiple mysteries surrounding the mysterious event of Westview. He had written a few questions on a whiteboard, of which one question was ‘Why was the town of Westview trapped in the hexagonal shaped dome?’

Mystery of hexagons WandaVision

This is when it was shown that Westview county is under some sort of a dome, shaped in the form of a hexagon. This was no accident since these shapes were the similar shapes that also appeared closing in on WandaVision at the end of every sitcom episode which was being monitored by Darcy Lewis. When she found out that the dome was emitting a large amount of CMBR (Cosmic microwave background radiation) which are rumored to be the reminiscence of the same ancient radiation which were produced during the Big Bang’s creation of the universe. She also found a broadcast link embedded in the radiation which led them to finally seeing how the events inside the dome were being played out in a sitcom setup.

Darcy Lewis was able to hack into the broadcast with the help of an old television set and during the course of an episode was also able to hack one of the low-frequency radios inside the dome, allowing or at least trying to establish a line of contact with Wanda to understand the anomaly. With agent Jimmy Woo on the other asking Wanda “Who is doing this to you Wanda” over and over again and in that instance, it seemed that the other resident of the Westview broke out of a trance or a spell that was placed on her. In that very moment the radio gives out a short-circuited burst and in the next scene, a whole different radio takes place instead of the new one with no evidence of a malfunctioned radio ever being there.

Mystery of hexagons WandaVision

The episode, “On a very special episode.” explains the use of the hexagon shape across the series. When over watching the sitcom reality at the heart of Westview, Darcy Lewis makes a vague reference to the events as ‘The Hex’. For the information of our readers Hex magic is often related to manipulation of other beings and objects with the use of spells, Wanda’s mastery of magic excels to a level where her Chaos magic implicates the use of many magical spells which includes ‘Hex Magic’.

So, in conclusion, the hexagonal shapes that are visible in the episode of WandaVision are a reference to the kind of magic that Wanda has been using or employing to keep up her façade of lies.