20 Best Interview Moments of Chris Evans Which Proves He Is One Of The Funniest Avengers

Chris Evans portrays the role of Captain America and we all are very big fans of him. He’s got the perfect package of being the remarkable Steve Rogers. Steve finally got his wish come true in the Avengers Endgame. Here we brought you some of the best interview moments of Chris Evans which proves he is the funniest avenger of all:

1. So Accurate!!

2. Give His Shield!!

3. Chris Crushing Over Chris!

4. We Want You Only!!

5. Aww!!

6. The Troublemaker On The Set!!

7. Haha!!

8. Acting!!

9. LOL!!

10. Oh Chris!!

11. Hehe!!

12. Crushing Over Tom Now!!

13. We Love Him!!

14. Best Interview Day!!

15. Excuse Me!!

16. Funniest Avengers Together!!

17. Oh God!!

18. Biggest Disney Fan!!

19. He Is A Child!!

20. Hehe!!