25 Times The Internet Totally Made Fun of Marvel Movies

Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest in the comic world and it has the most amazing actors who prominently play the role of their respective Marvel comic characters in the best way. It has one of the biggest fandoms all over the world and they never get tired of trolling these movies. Check out the funniest way possible the internet made fun of Marvel movies:

1. Real Logic!!

2. Oops!!

3. Relationship Problems!!

4. Oh yeah!!

5. Relatable!!

6. Thoreal!!

7. Haha!!

8. Oh No!!

9. Everybody Is Copying Everyone!!

10. And There’s Vision!!

11. LMAO!!

12. Perfect!!

13. Accurate!!

14. Awww!!!

15. LOL!!

16. Check Out The Dictionary!!

17. Best One!!

18. Nooo!!

19. So Dumb!!

20. Hehe!!

21. Who Did This!!

22. Thor Lovers!!

23. This Has Point!!


24. Funny!!!

25. For A Drop Of Blood!!