20 Innocent Tom Holland Interviews Proving He is “Real Life” Peter Parker

Marvel and Sony collaborated together and launch a new Spider-Man franchise that could bring back the lost glory of one of the most beloved superheroes. The actor Tom Holland was cast as Spider-Man and he successfully pulled off both Peter Parker and Spiderman. He is considered by many to be the best version of Spider-Man of all. Here we brought you some of the innocent Tom Holland interviews proving he is ”Real life” Peter Parker:

1. He Is So Cute And Dorky!!


2. Recreated The Iconic Kisss Scene!!

3. Spandex Costume Experience!!

4. Spider-Man Tattoo!!

5. Major Shade!!

6. Hilarious Story!!

7. Quackson!!

8. Awww!!

9. Cute!!

10. Psst, Psst, Psst!!

11. Best Interview!!

12. Haha!!

13. Woah!!

14. We Want That Too!!

15. Hates Spiders!!

16. So Lovable!!

17. Hehe!!

18. Spoilers Man!!

19. Amazing!!

20. Friends, Right!!