12 Movies For Couples On Netflix

Amongst the many movies on Netflix that call upon your sensibilities are the movies for couples. The warm feeling of love and the sensitive touch that lights a million bulbs are all here on Netflix for your viewing pleasure. Beyond the thrillers and the horrors, the mysterious and the unknown “love” makes you walk in the clouds. Imagine you cozy with your partner and companion watching a movie that brings joy and tears at the same time, that’s exactly what movies for couples do. You might not be the speedster type and he might not be the romantic type…but you would just enjoy a movie that has both equally. There are a whole lot of movies for couples on Netflix just for you to explore.

 1. Notting Hill

This is a romantic comedy starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. For starters, it will make your knees go weak with love.

 2. When Harry Met Sally

It is a cult classic which is hard to dislike.

 3. Adventureland

It is a true blue love story about two college graduates who fall in love while working together at a theme park.

 4. Guardians of the Galaxy

It is one from the house of Marvel Comics. An intergalactic criminal saving the world will satiate your Sci-Fi hunger.

5. Crazy Stupid Love

It is about a divorcee who seeks his friends help to fight off his midlife crisis.

 6. Shawshank Redemption

This movie needs no introduction. A classic that will stir your heart.

 7. About Time

It is about time travelling and romance all in one.

 8. La La Land

This is a highly acclaimed musical drama featuring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone fighting for a career in Hollywood.

 9. The 40-year-Old Virgin

This is the story of 40-year-old Andy Stitzer who is a virgin still and how his friends try to get him intimate with someone.

 10. Four Weddings and a Funeral

It is another Hugh Grant classic. When the protagonist meets a girl at a funeral and tries to find a way to her heart.

 11. Titanic

This has been the magnum opus that had tears rolling down the cheeks of all those who watched it. Titanic was an experience starring Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet.

 12. Friends with Benefits

This movie stars Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake in a no strings attached relationship with each other.

The old world charm of holding hands in the comfort of each others company is still a big draw with most of us. We live on love and let there be more to give us a little more “We Time than Me Time.”