John Wick 3: One of The Most Bad-Ass Characters of The Franchise Won’t Return

John Wick 3: Parabellum will be the deadliest R-Rated movie as it has the responsibility to be the biggest movie of the entire trilogy. The first one brought in a certified fan base and the second one just doubled that as it certainly involved a bigger budget and more bad guys for Wick to kill. Now the third one will portray John Wick becoming the true boogeyman as the kill count in the film will certainly go past 100.

By the end of the second film, we saw that the entire arsenal of assassins throughout the world was unleashed upon Wick, who pledged to kill every last one of them. So it is obvious that the kill count in this movie will significantly increase as compared to Chapter 2, and Wick will go up against even more bad-ass characters this time.

It has been revealed that Halle Berry’s character named Sofia will be teaming up with Reeves’ John Wick so he will have some support against the army of Assassins. Reeves gave us an important insight upon their partnership:

“[John Wick] is fighting for his life and thinks that Halle Berry’s character has some information for him. They have a past, and they get involved with The High Table, this kind of overlording entity.”

There are certain characters who will be returning in the third film of the franchise, but one character for sure is not going to be back for the final film in the trilogy. Chapter 2 brought in Common as the most bad-ass assassin John Wick has ever faced, and their brawl went on for quite a long time in the film. His character was left on the edge in the film and he would have supposedly died, but many fans believed that we could see his return in Chapter 3.

But now we know that he will not be returning as the verdict has come from Common himself. Here’s what he said about reprising his role in Parabellum:

“I’m not in the third part, but I could say that I really loved being a part of John Wick 2 and it was an amazing experience. Working with Keanu [Reeves] and [director] Chad [Stahelski], they’re just phenomenal. Challenged and really passionate about the stuff, and I can say that [John Wick 3] is going to be incredible, though, I’ll tell you that much.”

While we loved the brawl between Reeves and Common, it is good that we will see Reeves face off against new villains in the final film. The Director of the third movie Chad Stahelski said that more characters from the John Wick comic lore will come into play in the third installment of the movie:

“They’ve got a really good structure. It’s very tied to the film and it’s about the Continentals all over the world, how certain people come into that world, and what happens in relation to those people, which is cool. I think the world is very vast, and everything I’ve heard from it is very positive. It’s something that studio seems very, very intent on making and very, very behind… You can be with the consigliere, concierge, the sommelier, you can be with all these different characters and walk through the world in different aspects; ones that I’m a little limited by staying with my lead guy.”

John Wick 3: Parabellum is supposed to be the best film in the trilogy. The movie hits the theatres on May 17, 2019, and here’s the official Synopsis of the film:

“John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is on the run for two reasons… he’s being hunted for a global $14 million dollar open contract on his life, and for breaking a central rule: taking a life on Continental Hotel grounds. The victim was a member of the High Table who ordered the open contract. John should have already been executed, except the Continental’s manager, Winston, has given him a one-hour grace period before he’s “Excommunicado” – membership revoked, banned from all services and cut off from other members. John uses the service industry to stay alive as he fights and kills his way out of New York City.”