The Main Reasons Why Netflix Is Such a Popular Platform

Since being founded in 1997, Netflix has huge made strides in the media industry and is one of the most popular online television networks in the world. Due to the variety of TV shows and movies on offer, Netflix is quickly overtaking regular TV and dominating modern day entertainment. Whether it’s an existing show or an original one, Netflix consistently meets the viewers’ needs. Similar to one of our other favorite market leaders, the online slot site over at

Netflix still has some way to go to become the biggest overall television network, but they’re certainly making the necessary steps. Discover the main reasons why Netflix is such a popular platform.


With cable TV, DVD’s and cinema tickets being so overpriced, Netflix is the perfect platform to use to get your fix. Despite the quality of the content they offer, their prices are extremely affordable. There are three price plans that you can choose from, which are:

Basic – £5.99 per month, which allows you to watch 1 screen in standard definition.

Standard – £7.99 per month, which allows you to watch 2 screens at a time in HD quality.

Premium – £9.99 per month, which allows you to watch 4 screens at a time in HD quality or Ultra HD.

Over time, these price plans could well see a small incremental increase, but you’ll still struggle to find a better service elsewhere for a lower price. If you’re unsure on purchasing a price plan, you can always try Netflix out for 30 days before deciding. But, once you’ve had a taste of the quality they offer, you’ll never want to leave. If you’re a lover of online slot games why not save some money over at cozino and try your luck with a slot bonus.


If you’re an avid TV show and movie fan, you’ll have several different genres that you like to watch and experiment with. Netflix is the perfect place to meet your needs due to its variety of top quality content. Whether it’s a stand-up special with Kevin Hart or a gritty thriller like Mindhunter, Netflix has it all.

There’s only so much that cable and satellite providers can offer, but Netflix aren’t afraid to express themselves and create their own original shows. Admittedly, not all of them hit the heights of Stranger Things and Riverdale, but they offer something unique. The key to a good television network is pushing boundaries and realizing what the viewers want, which Netflix understands perfectly.


Gone are the days of being bored on public transport or waiting in an airport for a flight, Netflix is accessible from everywhere. Just like an online slots site like Cozino Slots, Netflix is available on several devices, such as: Smartphones, tablets and MacBook’s. With the ease of access, you’ll be able to catch up with existing shows and keep an eye out for any new releases.

Although wi-fi is preferable, you’ll still be to access the platform using mobile data. Just make sure you’re aware of how much data you can use, otherwise you’ll have to cancel your subscription to help pay for your phone bill.  

No Adverts

There’s nothing worse than settling down with a TV show or movie and every twenty minutes it cuts to an advert. You don’t have to worry about that with Netflix as there are no adverts to disrupt your evening. It might seem too good to be true, but this is a major reason why Netflix is such a popular choice for people.

Occasionally, Netflix will promote a trailer for a new show they’ve added to the platform, but that’s simply for your own benefit. With so much to watch, good shows or movies can sometimes fall through the cracks.

Suggested Shows

Not only do Netflix provide the shows and movies for you, but they also keep an eye out for what you like and suggest things to watch. This is perfect if you aren’t aware of the latest releases that have been added to the platform or you’re looking for similar shows to something that you’ve just finished.

Even if you can’t watch them right away, you can add the suggested shows to ‘My List’ and they’ll be stored for future viewing. Not all suggested shows will be for you, but if Netflix can find you one or two hidden gems, then they’ve done their job.

Continue Watching

Staying up too late before work because you’re binge-watching one of your favorite shows is something that happens to everyone on Netflix. Thankfully, if you stop watching an episode halfway through, Netflix will add it to a ‘Continue Watching’ list so that you can pick it up from where you left it.

Also, new shows sometimes catch your eye, especially if you’ve been looking forward to their release. So, feel free to switch between different shows depending on what mood you’re in.


Whether it’s your or not, every group of friends has an unsung hero that lets you share their Netflix account. The beauty of it is that everyone can have their own profile, so Netflix knows what shows to suggest to each viewer. Not only that, but you can switch in and out of each other’s profile to get an idea of new shows to explore that you wouldn’t normally watch.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to wait for your friend or relative to finish streaming, you can jump on at the same time and enjoy the same show from different places.

Improving Their Service

Netflix are always looking for ways to improve, whether it’s the layout of their platform, the quality of their shows or adjusting the price plans to bring in new viewers. Although classic tv shows and movies are available to watch, sometimes they’re removed from the platform after a certain period. Freshening up the content and staying competitive is what makes Netflix so successful.

No streaming platform is ever complete, there are always new ways to innovate and gain an edge on competitors. Netflix viewers are always taken care of and there will always be new ways for your overall experience to be enhanced.