Arrow Season 7 Episode Title Almost Confirms the Return of a Major Villain

The Arrowverse has grown really big and it all began with Oliver Queen coming back to his city after spending 5 years in hell on Lian Yu and now we are moving into Arrow season 7. The show had been great for two seasons. Season 2 took the show to a whole new level as Deathstroke completely elevated it from where Malcolm Merlin left Starling city in Season 1. Seeing that, the third season brought in one of the bigger names of the DC Universe in the name of Ra’s Al Ghul. The quality of the seasons dipped from the third one on but still, Ra’s’ portrayal was a pretty damn good.

Season 4 is considered to be the worst season of Arrow and it also had the least appealing villain in the name of Damian Dark. Prometheus then raised the bar again and Ricardo Diaz aka Richard Dragon continued from there on.

Now, the seventh season will bring us a new big bad, but it will surely reference some of the villains established in the past as well or even bring them back in some occasions. This season will give Oliver a really tough time as he will have to take on the bad guys he put into prison because he will spend quite a lot of time in prison having surrendered himself as the masked vigilante Green Arrow.

So that will give the show a lot of opportunities to bring back some old villains as well. According to what SpoilerTV is reporting the title of the fifth season specifically hints the return of a big villain from the previous seasons of Arrow. The Episode has been titled as “The Demon” which is pretty vague to start with, but if you think about it, it may be implying something much bigger for the DC Comics fans to wonder.

From this title, we could assume the fact that it could be teasing the entry of Etrigan the Demon but he may not work into the current storyline that Season 7 has been set, especially when the show is moving towards the debut of Batwoman. So, it is much preferable to believe that instead of Etrigan, it could be the return of the Demon’s Head, aka Ra’s Al Ghul, the old leader of the League of Assassins.

Now you may ask that how might he make his return since Oliver clearly killed him towards the end of Season 3. Well, it still may be pretty unlikely for Ra’s to return as the title of the Demon was transferred to Oliver, Malcolm and then Nyssa Al Ghul who disbanded the League of Assassins in Season 4. So, it could be a whole new accomplice as it was proved in season 5 that some of the League members were still causing problems around the world.

We will have more clue what happens when the show returns on October 15. It will portray Oliver being in the supermax prison while the rest of his team will continue to fight for the city. In a recent interview, Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog actor Rick Gonzalez, explained how the rest of the Team Arrow will react to Oliver being in Prison:

“I think the idea is that, now with him being in prison, we’re having to interpret the idea of fighting for Star City. Continuing to move forward and do what we need to do to help the city. But how do we interpret that? How does that come about? The choice of me being behind the mask, do I do that, how do I do that, or do I not do that so we’ll see that throughout the entire season.”

Season 7 may be the last resort for this show as CW would continue only if this season brings in a good viewership. Everyone working on the show knows that including Stephen Amell and therefore, he even told the writers to write like there is no tomorrow. Here’s what he revealed in an interview:

“We have a new showrunner this year, Beth Schwartz, who’s been with the show since season one. [The writers] have a very clear vision of what they want season seven to be, and what I asked them to do – and it’s not up to me – but what I asked of them is to not just assume that we have an eighth season. I wanted them to write like, ‘If you have a good idea, and you have something you’ve always wanted to do or see on the show, then just do it! Do it right now!’ I think that’s one of the things I’m getting out of what they’ve planned for season seven – we’re not writing like we’re guaranteed something beyond this, because we’re not; nobody is. I want them to really push forward and take the fact we have a certain license and a certain respect from the fans to take some chances.”

Hopefully, this season turns out to be the best!