17 Wolverine vs Cyclops Memes That Are Savage AF

Wolverine and Cyclops are two of the most popular X-Men characters. While they are a part of the same superhero team, they were never good buddies. Right after Wolverine joined the team X-Men, his lust for Jean Grey was always the reason for conflict between the two characters. Here are some of the funniest Wolverine vs Cyclops memes that truly reflect the conflict between the two:

OMG… Cyclops!

Height Differences

Some wounds never heal!

Angry Canadian!

Only Red!

Yes, yellow!

That’s so Wolvie!

Secret Mechanic!

Not Much!

Jean is back…

It wasn’t Wolvie!

Wolverine gone Hulk!

Wedding of the century!

Wolvie missing his mate…

Keep babies away from Wolvie!

Artist Wolverine required!

And in the end…

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