20 Strange Things You Didn’t Know About The Voldemort’s Family

Voldemort is the main antagonist in the J.K. Rowling’s most popular Harry Potter series. He has a very complicated family life. Check out more about his family:

Only a Few Members Have Joined The Hogwarts!

Chamber of Secrets’ Guard!

Concealed Trapdoor!

Descended From Cadmus Peverell!

The Love Potion!

Voldemort Chose Harry Potter Over Neville!

Few Illustrious Relatives!

The Result of a Coerced Relationship!

Never Proven!

The Anagram!

Voldemort’s Name Inspiration!

Gormlaith Gaunt!

Fanatical Obsession!

Dark Wizard!

A Big Secret!

Voldemort’s Child!

Delphini’s Birth!

Inability to Love!

Voldemort’s Mother’s Family Line!

Only Living Heir of Slytherin!