Game of Thrones To Finally Feature The Stand-off We Have All Waited For

Game Of Thrones has garnered a lot of attention after the release of its Season 7 trailer. The HBO series started changing the pace of the show in Season 6, and Season 7 will be following that same pattern. The reason is that the show will only have three more seasons before it finally ends. And there are just too many loose ends that need to be tied.

Season 6 finally showed some good old fashioned revenge for constant scapegoats- The Stark family. Daenerys was finally sailing up to Westeros and the bastard Ramsay Bolton finally got a gruesome end.

The upcoming season will also focus on a storyline that it has been teasing since the first season- The impending war between humans and the White Walkers and the war between the kingdoms.

Game Of Thrones showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff recently gave an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly where they talked at length about what to expect from the new season. Benioff, when asked about the War said:

“For a long time we’ve been talking about the wars to come. Well, that war is pretty much here. So it’s really about trying to find a way to make the storytelling work without feeling like we’re rushing it — you still want to give characters their due, and pretty much all the characters that are now left are all important characters. Even the ones who might have started out as relatively minor characters have become significant in their own right.”

Weiss also explained why the show suddenly went from a slow moving show to one that was moving at a faster pace (rumors even saying that the show would cut a number of episodes). The show-runner said:

“Things are moving faster because in the world of these characters the war that they’ve been waiting for is upon them. The conflicts that have been building the past six years are upon them and those facts give them a sense of urgency that makes [the characters] move faster.”

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