Here’s The Gameplan of THANOS To Rebalance The Universe

The actor Josh Brolin is visibly excited and is finally getting a shot at playing a super-villain. He shared a picture on his Instagram account teasing his transformation into the most powerful cosmic being in the galaxy. Recently, as part of the featurette, two new looks of Thanos has been released, in the first one, he is trying to wear an infinity stone, the second one is his classic comic-book look which is intimidating like hell.

Although, the cast is stacked up with superhero heavy-weights but the most important comic-book character is Thanos. Till now, he has been teased in Marvel movies in post-credits of Phase 2, 3 films, but Infinity war will be the first major project where he is going to be the central antagonist pursuing his evil designs. The studio has been building the hype of Thanos over a series of films, so expectations of Marvel fans are very high.

Although, not much has been revealed about the plot of Thanos, but the classic comic-book story is unlikely to change much where Thanos first finds out where all the Infinity gems are, assemble them and create an all-powerful Infinity gauntlet, cause a giant catastrophe and then in Avengers 4, Team Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy must unite and fight against the mad Titan to save the world. In Marvel comics, Infinity stones are in the possession of all the elders of the universe, it’s different in marvel cinematic universe as Vision has a mind gem, and he isn’t an elder.

Stephen McFeely (Infinity war co-screenwriter) talked about the game plan of Thanos in a special online video, he said:

“His goal is to re-balance the universe as he sees it. So when he figures out that the Infinity Stones could do this for him at the snap of a finger, that becomes his main goal.”

He carefully avoided the mention of Lady Death who is an actual character in the comics, Thanos conquer worlds only to please her and win her heart.