5 Powerful Mutants Who Could Be Re-Invented in X-Men Supernova

X-Men traveler Supernova is the title for the latest X-Men film. Since there has been no specifics about what the story for the film will be, we have put together a list of five mutants who should get a second chance in telling their story in the upcoming X-Men film. The X-men world is a wide one and the movies have concentrated only a few. Here are the most:


Although Cyclops was a part of the original X-men trilogy, the character was not fully used to his potential, having been overshadowed by a character called Wolverine.He was seen a straight shooter in the films, the good guy. Since a new, younger Cyclops was already introduced in Apocalypse, Supernova should explore the varied and colorful history of Cyclops. Especially the ones where he goes a bit mad and kills the entire X-Men.


Juggernaut is a character whose interesting past with Charles Xavier alone makes him a great candidate for another round in the X-men movies. Cain Marko lacked to make an impression in the first X-Men trilogy because he was used more as a war prop than a proper character. Juggernaut and Charles Xavier’s family history should make an interesting turn in the X-men canon, a welcome change from the predictable Charles/Magneto dynamic that has been the focus in all the movies.


Shadowcat is actually more of a developed character in the comics than she was in the movies.The character has actually become the leader of the X-Men in the comics, guiding young mutants in Xavier’s school, but that was not her fate in the movies. She was used in the underwhelming relationship with Iceman,  used to send Juggernaut crashing into walls and Wolverine into the past.


In the comics, Lucas Bishop traveler who comes back from the future(a post-apocalyptic war) to protect Professor Xavier from Cable’s clone Stryfe. Unfortunately, Bishop was not made much use of in Days Of Future Past and relegated to being just another mutant killed by the Sentinels.

The Morlocks

The Morlocks are a group of really powerful mutants that live in the underground tunnels of New York by Callisto in The Last Stand.In the comics, The group played a pivotal role with Mister Sinister who introduces the character Gambit into the comics. That was not the case in the movie, and again, they were more Magneto’s followers who sometimes showed off their powers in threatening ways than anything else in the only movie they were in.