He-Man: 5 Most Powerful Masters Of The Universe

He-Man Master of the Universe contains a lot of powerful characters that battle for the triumph of their causes. Here are the five most powerful masters:

The Sorceress:

The Sorceress is the character who gave He-Man his powers. She can communicate telepathically with anyone on Eternia and can also see into the past, present, and future. She has the ability to fly, create shields and throw fireballs and can transform herself into a falcon known as Zoar. Sorceress uses her powers to protect Castle Grayskull and Eternia.


He-man proclaims himself to be the most powerful man in the universe. His superpowers like speed, agility, and durability to withstand explosions all come from the Sorceress in the form of a sword that has magical powers.When Prince Adam holds that sword and says “By The Power Of Greyskull,” he is instantly transformed into He-Man. And as the most powerful master of the universe, he has used his Sorceress given powers to protect Eternia and everything in it.


Skeletor is not only He-man’s greatest nemesis, he is also a powerful entity in the world of Eternia. He has limitless powers that include shooting energy beams and ice beams, teleportation, illusionist, the power to open portals to other dimensions and is familiar with every magical artifact.


Evil-Lyn like the Sorceress is a very powerful witch who sticks to the dark side because she just likes being evil and powerful. Her powers include the ability to shoot energy beams from her eyes and hands, the power to transform other people into animals or stone and the power to transfigure herself into the element of fire. She is also a mistress of disguise and wields a magical scepter that gives her magical powers.

The Goddess:

In the comics, it was actually The Goddess who gave He-Man his powers but that was changed for the TV show. She is worshiped by Eternia for thousand of years and is the source of power for both Grayskull and the Sorceress.