5 Highly Overrated Movies Which Never Deserved The Attention They Got

We have seen movies that are amazing. And these movies have also won some of the esteemed awards. Take a look at these 5 highly overrated movies.

1. Slumdog Millionaire

It was nominated for 10 Oscars and it won along with four Golden Globes and seven BAFTA.

In spite of all this, it is quite over-hyped. The performances were somewhat dull, excruciating and definitely not Boyle’s best work. The script is bad with no characters of any credibility. The stunning, Oscar-winning cinematography by Anthony Mantle is all very incredible and definitely Oscar-winning. But this movie definitely didn’t deserve the attention it had got.

2. Million Dollar Baby

It was nominated for seven Oscars and won four and also won Golden Globes for Best Director and Actress.

Million Dollar Baby is too gloomy a film, too excruciatingly earnest to feel like a brazen lie. Still, it’s a bizarre relic. Paul Haggis’s calligraphy is often an obligation, predominantly when it hands an echoing payload of voiceover to Morgan Freeman’s character, or wheels on Maggie’s terrible family at the end to reinforce the Eastwood-Swank alliance, it’s all too good to be true.

3. The Hurt Locker

It was a good war movie during the times, but it doesn’t have a hook that will force multiple viewings. Given the fact that it was up against Avatar which is one of the most spectacular cinematic achievement in 3D technology, the Oscar seems a bit too much.

4. The Blind Side

Sandra Bullock is a fun, classy woman who is a good entertainer but doesn’t tell me that she delivered an Oscar-worthy performance in ‘The Blind Side’. It was a feel-good sports inspiration movie like many others in the past, but never deserved the attention it got.

5. Crash

Believe it or not, this movie won the Best Picture Oscar in 2006 beating vastly superior films like Brokeback Mountain and Good Night and Good Luck. It was the greatest coup in the history of Oscars.