Here’s the latest Easter-egg on Spiderman: Homecoming and This is EPIC!

Everyone’s waiting for Spiderman: Homecoming and the talks just won’t stop about it. From the latest that we’ve heard, Spiderman: Homecoming is currently being shot in New York city. Most of the movie was shot in Atlanta but then they moved to New York city. This was only to get some great outdoor scenes, something that you can’t capture in a studio.

We are well aware that Spiderman lives in Queens. So there would be quite a bit of exterior shots where we see Spiderman walking around the streets of New York. Which pretty much captures the essence.

The other thing that really excites us, is the coming of Jon Favreau as Happy, in the movie Spiderman: Homecoming along with Iron Man. Though there are no major plots around Favreau, but we can expect some real light hearted comedy from him.

Coming to the main substance of the movie – yes, like we always do, Easter Eggs!! One of the biggest Easter eggs lies right in the middle of Queen, where Stark Expo is situated. By the looks of it, we can expect some great action coming from here, as we hear CGI team is really working hard on it.

It was way back in Marvel Phase 1 that we saw some bits and pieces of Stark Expo, where it even appeared in Captain America. There was this big red car hovering over where Howard Stark was experimenting on. We also saw the original Human Torches uniform. All this was seen when Bucky and Cap were walking around the expo.

In a way, Stark Expo is just a center for many characters that have been there. It would be obvious for Spiderman to visit the Stark Expo since he lives in Queens.

Rumors have it that we would get a glimpse of Captain America in Spiderman: Homecoming. Though we aren’t too sure if he would make a visit in Queens or a visit to his friend’s place in Brooklyn, but for sure we can expect to see the Cap.

I’m sure they were reasons they mentioned this in the post credit scenes, why else would they mention this and not follow up on it. But one thing is for sure, with the tension between Iron Man and Captain America, it would be highly unlikely to see them come face to face in Spiderman: Homecoming.

For now, one can just wait and watch.