5 Best Villains Of All Time In Hollywood

Without villains, no movie is complete. They not only bring a small piece of suspense but also manage to have some thrill in every movie be it romantic, action or superhero a movie. What makes a good villain? Is it their evil or their humanity? Here are 5 best villains of all time.

1) Sauron from “The Lord of the Rings”

It’s hard to compete with an all seeing fiery eye in the sky, but there is also something special about the insidiousness of his power in a handshake or a single exchange for his soul, but slowly over decades and centuries enticing victims with a promise of more.

2) Lizzie from “City of God” (2002)

The City of God is a crime drama directed by Fernando Meirelles. The guys are badass and a loose canon, 12-year-old breaks into a hotel and murders everyone just for the hell of it. Lizzie is far more terrifying and flashbacks specifically because of his violent, ruthless and unpredictable.

3) The Joker “The Dark Knight” (2008)

The Dark Knight is a superhero thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan. It features the DC Comics character, Batman. He even sees himself as Batman’s boil, he knows it he revels in being his villain and with a complex character to fantastic acting.

4) Harry Powell from “The Night of the Hunter” (1955)

The Night of the Hunter is a horror film directed by Charles Laughton. The movie revolves around a bogus preacher who marries a widow in search of the man’s hidden loot. The widow’s children are reluctant to divulge details of their father’s money that he’d stolen in a robbery. Harry Powell combines child abuse with a smug sense of righteousness and the thinnest veneer of likeability. We want to smash on his dumb face which why he is considered as one of the best villains.

5) Frank Booth from “Blue Velvet” (1986)

Blue Velvet is a mystery crime film, written and directed by David Lynch. Frank Booth’s sexual deviance is incredibly disturbing to watch, there is some weird voice and stuff going on at some deep it levels with.