5 Superheroes Who Are Vulnerable To Their Own Powers

We believe in a notion that superheroes can’t be beaten unless they face off somebody with greater powers. They frolic through the slightest gaps, reach everywhere in a flick and possess gravity challenging powers. We often hear people saying that “Deadpool can’t be beaten” and “Wolverine can’t be beaten”. Well, you might not know that in spite of having superpowers, they somewhere at some point are vulnerable to certain weaknesses. So here, we are counting down on five weaknesses of superheroes.

1. Venom and the high-pitch frequency

Venom is vulnerable to high-pitched frequency. In one of the scenes in Spider-Man 3, when Spider-Man fights with Venom, he bashes two metal rods causing high-pitch sound. Exposed to high-pitch sonic frequency, the symbiotic suit becomes weak.

2. Iron Man and his heart

Inside his heavy unbreakable Iron Mna suit, Tony Star is a normal human being from the inside. Due to a chest injury, Stark used arc reactor to keep his heart alive and functioning. The device requires frequent charging and a lot of care.

3. Spider-Man and his instincts

Spider is one of the few superheroes who live a normal life. The web-slinging hero has some serious instinct problems. In The Amazing Spider-Man #39”, he once suffered from a common cold which made his superhuman powers a little weak which made Green Goblin to easily take advantage of him.

4. Wonder Woman and her Lasso of Truth

In the comic book world, sometimes superheroes’ strongest tools turn out to be a weakness for them and Wonder Woman is among them. Her Lasso of Truth is pretty much indestructible and it is barely possible that someone can untangle its grip. Well, Wonder Woman once got entangled in her own lasso.

5. Cyclops

Cyclops emits a red beam of destructive rays which he controls through an eye visor, which helps him control the optical beam. Sometimes he can’t control his optical beams causing catastrophes.